Homeschooling Michigan

13th Annual Not Back To School Picnic Homeschooling Works

13th Annual NOT Back to School Picnic Sponsored by HomeSchooling Works
Featuring the annual Tailgate Used Book Sale and Resource Fair
Wednesday, September 9, 2015, 10 am -1 pm
at Trinity Church Parking Lot, 34500 Six Mile Rd. Livonia, next to Stevenson High School

Hot Dogs and Pop If you are able, donations for the picnic expenses are accepted. HSW suggests $1/person.
Bring any other foods or snacks for your family

Tailgate Used Book Sale Sell used homeschool materials, curriculum and educational games from your vehicle. To register to sell books and homeschool materials, please complete and return a Seller Registration Form by August 30, 2015. Form is available at or email

RESOURCE ROW…Learn about resources, co-ops classes and support groups in the Metro area.

To register for the Resource Fair, please complete and return a Resource Fair Registration Form by August 30, 2015. Form is available at or email

PLEASE RSVP to with number attending, ages of children and if you plan to sell materials, so they can have enough hot dogs & pop and arrange parking for the Tailgate Book Sale.

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