
All About Snakes at Kensington Metropark

All About Snakes at Kensington Metropark – Often feared, misunderstood, and cast as storybook villains, snakes are far from a popular animal. But these uniquely adapted reptiles are simply doing their best to survive, and they play a vital role in our Michigan ecosystems. Learn about their many adaptations and what different kinds of snakes call Michigan home. You’ll also get the chance to meet some of their live snake ambassadors that live at the Nature Center. This is an excellent opportunity for snake lovers to get up close and personal with the sweet-tempered scaly friends. For those of you that are a bit nervous around them, the information they’ll share about how and why they show certain behaviors will hopefully help you to appreciate them better from a distance.
August 12, 2023, 10am-11am.
For ages 6 and up. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Cost: $3 per child, $5 per adult

Pre-registration is required by 4 p.m. the day before the program.

Pre-register online or call the interpretive center at 810-227-8917.
Kensington Metropark, 4570 Huron River Parkway, Milford, MI, 48380
Facility: Nature Center Great Blue Heron Classroom

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