Battle Whirlpool
I had a battle with the washing machine. My laundry area and kitchen (right next to the laundry) flooded. I ran a normal load, then I ran a Short Load. Two cloth diapers (we use them for cleaning and I couldn’t get them clean with dish soap) run on Low, using the Shortest wash. I used bleach (haven’t used that awful stuff in a long time). My daughter goes into the kitchen and starts yelling The Kitchen Is Flooding! We trace it to the washer – and that Low load was all over the floor looking more like High Tide! **grrrr**
So quick – call one of the guys from work. He takes the tubing off, no holes. Check for signs of flooding elsewhere, nada. He thinks I overfilled the washer. I had it on low. I didn’t overflow it. Thing overflowed itself. He doesn’t think a pipe has burst, says keep an eye on the washer. I do not like my washer right now, nor do I want to use it to wash all those now wet towels.