Unit Safari College Prep Unit Study

Unit Safari College Preparation Unit study Collected by Marsha M.

SAT CLEP Placement Testing
Credit Course Financial Planning
Financial Aid Self Designed Study Online Courses
College Board

College prep
Preparing for college
It’s the Oral Roberts University and it gives a very good overview of how to do transcripts. I bet other Universities have this page.
The College Board Web site offers good resources for students and parents as you go through the last two years of high school and prepare for life after high school. Each year, the College Board serves over three and a half million students and their parents, 23,000 high schools, and 3,500 colleges through major programs and services in college admissions, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching and learning. Among its best-known programs are the SAT, the PSAT/NMSQT, and the Advanced Placement Program (AP).
Parents section: http://www.collegeboard.com/parents
lesson plans, resources, career choices
traditional parent directed info
A Guide for Parents: Ten Steps to Prepare Your Child for College
Courses Students Should Take in Middle School or Junior High to Prepare for College
College Preparation for Homeschool Students
College Preparation Guide
Help for college planning
Parent guide that answers questions about preparing for college
This site is actually for younger kids(6-8th grade) to get them better prepared for college. It has study tips, organization. It also has a site for parents to start preparing now for the college years.
Tips for Homeschooled students and admission
info on SAT and ACT and suggested curriculum
This site has many links and guides to help prepare for college
This site is full of ideas and tips to prepare for college days
Has some Test Practice Books that are good prep for College Level Testing!
Course materials
Template for writing a high school transcript
Timeline for preparing for college
Super Camp-Prep for College

College Test Prep websites
sat lab, act lab, college guidance
SAT Preparation Center™ Get ready for the SAT with math, critical reading, and writing practice questions including a review of the SAT essay. Official SAT Practice Test – Download, print, and take a free, full-length practice test. Then review a free score and skills report, and explanations to all test answers
online test preparation courses are totally free! By creating an account you can access a customized course that includes user-friendly tutorials, practice sessions that dynamically adapt to each student’s ability level, a vocabulary builder, and more…

Information about ACT tests
.Free practice tests. ACT test dates, ACT registration, ACT scores, college and career planning, college financial …
Get Ready for the SAT: Help Your Child Score High
Free Practice Tests

GRE Practice Test

4Tests.com is a world-wide provider of free, online practice exams.
Number2.com’s online test preparation courses are totally free! By creating an account you can access a customized course that includes user-friendly tutorials, practice sessions that dynamically adapt to each student’s ability level, a vocabulary builder, and more…

Free practice tests for SAT

SAT Practice Test

study tips and practice tests for ACT and SAT
Registration and preparation for SAT, Also has info on college tuition
has some Free SAT Materials
.Also, college & SAT prep. info available through
Great info on ap credit and clep courses as well.
Free website that allows you to prepare for SAT. Does require registration
This site prepares you for ACT. It is not a free site

Scholarships and financial aid
Find college financial aid, conduct a scholarship search with our scholarship search engine, and get the money you need to pay for college
This offers 5 solutions to prepare financial aid and timetables to prepare for college
This is the Federal site for applying for Financial aid
This site goes through loans, grants, military money and other forms of aids and http://www.scholarships.http://www.finaid.org/
This site offers many tips on scholarships and programs
How stuff work site that gives tips on how to find financial aid on the internet.
info on scholarships

Skills needed for college
This does not directly relate to college prep, but is still important for college prep.
Setting goals for college
STUDY SKILL CHECKLIST and Online Study Skills Workshops
Articles on being a successful college student and what to look for during college visits and interviews.
Preparing for college during early school years
Free College Prep writing course
Website teaching study skills
Website teaching skills for college

Top 10 Study Tips to Study Like a Harvard Student https://summer.harvard.edu/blog/top-10-study-tips-to-study-like-a-harvard-student/

Study tips & strategies for college students from Sallie Mae

Studying 101: Study Smarter Not Harder from The Learning Center at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Found these while doing a general search under study skills there are several books available also with the title study skills. These skills can be used now and later in life.

Universities and Colleges

Search Colleges in the USA https://www.educationconnection.com/

College Board find advice on finding a good college. Also provides information on how colleges view transcripts.

Louisiana Loyola College Prep

Oakland, CA College Preparatory School

Article from US News that lists America’s best colleges U.S. News Best Colleges

Applying to California Colleges from The HomeScholar

Washington Home-school Organization https://washhomeschool.org/

AP courses are now offered online. See Apex Learning Online AP Courses

The CollegeBoard website will also allow you to search by specific religious faiths. When possible, it is especially important for a home-schooled student to schedule an interview with potential colleges. This will provide the college with an additional avenue to assess the student academic potential and fit for the college.
Some home-schooled students may be seeking a Bible or Christian college. A list of accredited Bible colleges can be found at Advancing Biblical Higher Education

A list of Christian colleges can be found at https://www.cccu.org/

Homeschool Laws by State from HSLDA

State requirements for Financial Aid eligibility website Federal Student Aid

Some useful websites:

Homeschooling Articles from CollegeBoard strongly driven with SAT, PSAT, and more.

Articles and Q&A from HSLDA


Homeschooling High School by Jeanne Gown Dennis. This gives tips to help through high school and beyond. It has a large selection for college admission. Lots of forms and links to find out more info and a list of colleges and how homeschool friendly they are.

College Majors and Careers: A Resource Guide for Effective Life Planning by Paul Phifer. This book gives you a list of high school classes that will prepare you for a major in college and how the classes you take can be used in later life. You look up careers and see what type of education is recommended. It then gives a list of what can be taken in high school and then what should be then in college. It is interesting and I wish I had this while I was in High school.

Homeschoolers’ College Admissions Handbook by Cafi Cohen. A great all-around site that covers College prep, standardized tests, choosing a college, applying for college, financial aid, going off to college and what your child needs to know.

I am reading a great book called Accelerated Distance Learning by Brad Voeller. This young man completed his bachelor’s degree in under 6 months for around $5,000. He received some of his credit for life experience, which some younger students would not have. Still, one young man in the Houston area completed his bachelor’s degree in about 21 months using Brad Voeller’s suggestions. This book made me realize the need for study skills in jr/high school including speed reading, memorization skills and writing skills (note taking).

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