Green Smoothie Banana Pineapple Ginger Almond Milk

Green Smoothie Banana Pineapple Ginger Almond Milk

Great day for a smoothie! It wouldn’t all fit in my Vitamix at once so I have two large containers of smoothie and about half of this mixture is in each.

Green Smoothie Banana Pineapple Ginger Almond Milk
Green Smoothie Banana Pineapple Ginger Almond Milk | Jodi Robertson

Green Smoothie Banana Pineapple Ginger Almond Milk

Jodi Robertson


  • 1 pound powergreens mix of spinach, kale, chard, and mizuna
  • 1 cup golden flax seeds
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup of frozen banana
  • 4 pieces frozen pineapple (because that was all that was left in the bag)
  • 4 inches ginger (approximately)
  • almond milk


For almond milk, you can use enough for your desired thickness - more for a runny smoothie or less for a thicker smoothie. I prefer a thicker smoothie so I use less almond milk.
It wouldn't all fit in my Vitamix 5200 at once so I have two large containers of smoothie and about half of this mixture is in each.
Equipment used: Vitamix 5200
Keyword almond milk, banana, chard, ginger, golden flax seeds, kale, mizuna, pineapple, spinach

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