Green Smoothie Blueberry Banana Ginger Flax Seeds

Green Smoothie Blueberry Banana Ginger Flax Seeds

First of today’s smoothies is a mixture of 1 pound of power greens spinach, kale, and mizuna, with about 3 inches ginger, 1 cup flax, 1 1/2 banana, and 1 cup of frozen blueberries. This 12 ounce cup has whatever wouldn’t fit in my big smoothie container.

Green Smoothie Blueberry Banana Ginger Flax Seeds
Green Smoothie Blueberry Banana Ginger Flax Seeds | Jodi Robertson

Overhead view of Green Smoothie Blueberry Banana Ginger Flax Seeds
Overhead view of Green Smoothie Blueberry Banana Ginger Flax Seeds | Jodi Robertson

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