Homeschool Bowling
Home schoolers earn Physical Education Credits while enjoying America’s favorite participation sport. Bowling is a lifetime fitness sport which contributes to balance, coordination and motor skills. Bowling is able to fill the needs of so many people because it is, above all, a simple game. The rules are not complex and the basics of how to roll the ball are quickly learned. Learn bowling terms.
Homeschool Bowling – Grand Blanc
Galaxy Lanes 2226 E. Hill Rd. Grand Blanc, MI 48539 810-695-2700 Galaxy Lanes has Homeschool Bowling on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 12:30-2:30. Program starts ...
Pizza and Pins and Fun with Friends
Pizza and Pins and Fun with Friends 4 person teams any mix of boy/girl $8.00 per person per week includes shoes, 2 slices of cheese pizza and ...
Homeschool Bowling – Rochester Hills
Classic Lanes Home Schooled Bowling League 2145 Avon Industrial Drive Rochester Hills, MI 48309 Located west off Crooks between M-59 and Hamlin 248-852-9100 http://www.myclassiclanes.com/ Join for their ...
Homeschool Bowling – Mason
4th Friday of Month: Mason Bowling Center Homeschool Day in Mason, MI: $2/game for each person (includes shoes) Bumper Bowling is available Please note: For those with allergies and sensitivities, smoking is ...
Homeschool Bowling – Warren
Universal Lanes presents Bowling For Home Schoolers. Home schoolers earn Physical Education Credits while enjoying America’s favorite participation sport. Lanes will be reserved for home schoolers each Monday ...