Art & Artists has free and low-cost activities, lesson plans, worksheets, study guides, and more.
Artcyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine
Make Simple Jar Candles
Following is a list of some of the most common educational methods to be implemented in a homeschooling plan. These are not listed in any particular order.
Paper Toys has all kinds of neat print and cut type projects, some of them make into dioramas. Makes for cool bad weather fun and motor skill practice for the wee ones.
Try weather art with Raindrop Painting.
Recycle it! Craft projects & useful things you can do with all that old stuff.
Safety-Pin patterns has tons of those beaded safety-pin wearable pins.
Smithsonian Students Everything Art has activities such as create a sculpture online art, exploration of the meanings of African masks and more.
Color art works at Art and Artists page from Enchanted Learning.
Information on Grandma Moses Abrams (Anna Roberts), American folk artist sold her first paintings when she was almost eighty.
Famous Artist Notebooking Pages an ebook of artist biography notebooking pages. You can download a free sample.
Book Suggestions
A few years ago we were invited to a dear old friend’s baby shower. The invitation suggested giving a book instead of a card to help build baby’s library. A great suggestion I might add! We began our hunt for the perfect book, one where I figured wouldn’t be returned because they already received it. I love the book ‘Guess How Much I Love You‘ but you can only get so many copies of it. We found the hardback book Museum ABC as well as the board books by Julie Merberg & Suzanne Bober. We pulled them off the shelves, sat down and began reading them. How fun and unique these are! We thought it was a great way to introduce little ones to art masterpieces!
Lesson Plans
9-12 Art Glencoe Art.
Sister Wendy The Complete Collection Sister Wendy Beckett has transformed public appreciation of art through her astonishing knowledge, insight and passion for painting and painters. Join her on a trip across the world and through the ages, where her contemplative insights and unorthodox enthusiasm bring the world’s great art to life. Contains Sister Wendy’s Story of Painting, Sister Wendy’s Odyssey, and Sister Wendy’s Grand Tour.
Intro to Monet kids short video on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fsH2wf1y54
The Impressionist Art Game Play two classic games of strategy, memory, and art appreciation.
The Impressionists The Other French Revolution is a documentary that recaptures the revolutionary impact the impressionists such as Monet, Degas and Morisot made and also provides a historical and artistic context for this extraordinary group of painters.
The Detroit Institute of Arts (aka DIA) offers five different lesson plan subjects with lots of activities using art, social studies, math and language arts. https://www.dia.org/education/resources
Art & Artists Topics
This section links to other art & artist topics on this website where they are more detailed.