Literature Based Themes
Literature Based Themes help you find free and low-cost activities, lesson plans, lapbooks, study guides, suggested additional materials, and more for Story Books and Children’s and Young Adults Literature you may already have on your shelf. The goal is to have a well-developed toolbox for our favorite books. The link may have prepared units, worksheets, or any online printable relating to the author or book being focused on. These are listed By Title or Genre or By Author Alphabetically.
Family Education Book List links to book-related activities ‘For Little Kids’ and ‘For Older Kids’
Worksheet Factories Worksheet and Test Makers for Teachers. There are three free software programs here that will work with all books. Just incorporate clip art that matches.
Make a T-shirt about the Book This Lesson will work with ALL books with only minor adaptations.
Literary Comprehension
Forms to help literary comprehension https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://mrsduenas.wikispaces.com/* Choose from Expository Essays, Leveled Task Cards, Persuasive Essays Prompts, Daily Oral Language