Rebecca Rubin 1914
Rebecca Rubin 1914 About Rebecca from American Girl
Rebecca Stories from America’s Great Immigration
A Teacher’s Guide to The Sound of Applause
Learn about the President in 1914, Woodrow Wilson.
22 Best Yiddish Words to Know is a brief glossary of important and commonly used Yiddish words and phrases.
Yiddish Theatre in New York A cultural phenomenon of Jewish America in the early 20th century.
History of the Jews in the United States
The American Jewish Experience in the Twentieth Century Antisemitism and Assimilation, an essay.
Jewish American Life, 1700 to 1914 Life for America’s early Jews.
Rebecca Rubin American Girl Book buy on Amazon
Rebecca Curriculum Immigrants, Old Ways & New Ways, Doing the Right Thing
Read Rebecca’s favorite bookRebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Learn about Coney Island, a place Rebecca liked to go. Timeline of Coney Island (1609-1985) Track the evolution of Coney Island back to the early 17th century.
Meet Rebecca Lapbook Rebecca The Sound of Applause Lapbook Templates
Printable Activities
Rebecca Planner even though this is an event kit, you may be able to use some of the ideas for your studies.
NY Maze
Coney Island Cross Grid
Rebecca’s Acting Advice
Rebecca American Girl Collection on Amazon
Meet Rebecca video on YouTube