Buck, Pearl S.
Author Pearl S. Buck Literature Based Theme has free and low-cost activities, lesson plans, study guides, suggested additional materials, and more.
Biographical information
Field Trip Tours of the Pearl S. Buck House https://pearlsbuck.org/takeatour/
View their educational resources for activities via the Internet Wayback Machine https://web.archive.org/web/20160510073113/http://www.psbi.org/edresources
The Big Wave
Power Point and discussion guide
The Good Earth
The Good Earth book from Amazon
Book Rags literature study guide http://www.bookrags.com/notes/ge/#gsc.tab=0
The Good Earth reading group guide https://www.readinggroupguides.com/reviews/the-good-earth
Vocabulary for The Good Earth https://web.archive.org/web/20060627063924/http://www.apstrategies.org/download/vocab/novels/Good%20Earth.pdf
On Discovering America
American author Pearl S. Buck spent most of her life in China. She returned to America in 1934, “an immigrant among immigrants…in my native land.” In this lesson, students will explore American attitudes toward immigration in the 1930s through Pearl S. Buck’s essay, “On Discovering America.” They will explore the meaning of the term “American” in this context and look at how the media portrayed immigrants. https://edsitement.neh.gov/lesson-plans/pearl-s-buck-discovering-america