Links and suggested materials for Mathematics topics from Early Maths to Advanced College courses.
Listed below is what is in the sections:
* Prepared units
* Online Worksheets
* Online Activities
* Any online Printable relating to the math topic of focus.
Just click on the name to take you to the topic.
Homeschool Math dedicated to teaching Math at Home https://www.homeschoolmath.net/
Rain Forest Maths with a theme of Rainforests https://www.rainforestmaths.com/
Shodor interactive Web site features lessons in all areas of math. There’s a dictionary to help explain key terms. But the real draw is the tools. These are programs that help students visualize concepts. There is also a section for teachers. If you need help organizing lesson plans, you’ll find that here, along with tips for answering students’ questions. http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/
Spark Notes Math Courses
Pre-Algebra through Calculus BC II https://www.sparknotes.com/math/
Khan Academy Math
HippoCampus has free videos on these math subject areas: Arithmetic, Algebra & Geometry, Calculus & Advanced Math, and Statistics & Probability https://www.hippocampus.org/
Brain POP The more you know, the more you know. Math movies and quizzes!
Very cool math stuff! Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, math puzzles and problems, tessellations, functions, limits, math links. Cool Math for kids too!
edHelper Math worksheets, puzzles, printables, problems, test prep for grades 1-8.
HomeschoolMath Find a homeschool math curriculum guide, free worksheets, math ebooks for elementary grades, an extensive link list of games, interactive tutorials, quizzes, and teaching tips. The resources emphasize understanding of concepts instead of just mechanical memorization of rules.
Rader’s NumberNut.com is a free website that teaches the basics of math to all ages. It has sections on arithmetic which includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There are now more advanced ideas like fractions, decimals, and percentages that have been added.
Math.com has articles and ideas for teaching math at home.
Math Worksheet Creator create your own math worksheets. Addition – division, fractions, time and more.
Numberline Lane is based around a set of books designed to help teaching and learning maths through stories. They are written for children aged between four and seven years old. Worksheets, activities, quizzes, and samples of the books themselves.
Bry-Back Manor activity modules on various math topics https://www.bry-backmanor.org/dilite/dilite.html
Can Teach How to make Math Centers in your Classroom or Home
Cyberchase Supplement to their PBS program has worksheets and online games as well as stuff for your computer. https://pbskids.org/cyberchase/
Educational Press maks worksheets and flash cards. Choose the math tab https://www.educationalpress.org/
PBS Teachers – Math lesson plans and activities.
Paper Models of Polyhedra Polyhedra are beautiful 3-D geometrical figures that have fascinated philosophers, mathematicians and artists for millennia. More than eighty paper models available for free.
Prime Numbers Chart A prime number is defined as any number that can be divided, without a remainder, only by itself and by 1. Here’s a chart that lists all of the prime numbers between 1 and 10,000.
World Book Typical Course of Study view the suggested subject matter for each grade level.
Math Curriculum
hand2mind Manipulatives for PreK-12. Manipulatives provide a concrete way to understand mathematical concepts.
Key Curriculum Press publisher of high school mathematics textbooks, mathematics software, supplementary materials and workbooks, videos, and manipulative materials.
Math·U·See Complete award-winning manipulative based K-12 math curriculum.
Saxon Math From kindergarten through advanced high school courses, Saxon Math prepares the student for encountering math in all aspects of life–both practically and in academics.
Singapore Mathematics. If you’re not sure which book is suited to your child, they offer a placement test section.
Glencoe Math Glencoe Mathematics Courses from TPT
Planet Math Open Source Textbooks https://planetmath.org/
CK-12 https://www.ck12.org/student/#mathbooks
More math topics from Math 6 to Calculus
Patterns and Connections in Mathematics, which is a K–6 book, assumes teacher familiarity with either Math Their Way or Math a Way of Thinking. It is a book of why and how–the pedagogical and philosophical next step for both of the earlier books https://www.center.edu/Patterns_Connections.shtml
Math Puzzles
Ruwix online Rubik’s cube.
Nick’s Mathematical Puzzles A collection of puzzles, with hints, full solutions, and links to relevant mathematical topics.
Italian Luca Pacioli one of the most famous mathematicians from the Renaissance period. Divine Proportione by Luca Pachioli.
Archimedes mathematician and scientist, learn about spheres, Archimedes’ screw and much more.
Math Links by Grade
Early Childhood Printables These change by unit. Shelly adds one part of a project every day till the whole project is up then she deletes it and starts over. Check it daily.
Early Learning Activities Printables. Many math related Projects for little ones
Pre-K Everyday Math for Preschoolers
Kindergarten Daily Math Lessons.
K-2 Numeracy Worksheets Worksheets and more.
K-6 Math Playground Practice your math skills, play a logic game and more.
K-8 AAA Math has over 1700 pages of free online interactive arithmetic lessons, problems and games.
K-8 AAA Math Math Instructions and Activities Great for Standardized Testing Review
K-12 Khan Academy Math Wide range from Early math review to AP college statistics.
1-8 Teacher Created Resources Various lesson plans on all subjects
3-5 Virtual manipulatives for grades.
6-8 Mathematics Concepts using Java applets.
9-12 High School Number & Quantity focuses on real and complex numbers, and vectors and matrices.
High School – College OpenStax openly licensed textbooks geared towards high school and college-level courses. Math Book Categories: Algebra and Trigonometry, Calculus, College Algebra, Contemporary Math, Developmental Math, Precalculus, and Statistics
Math Songs
Math Songs by NumberRock https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt9SZgFExNwWTH5T_JnyF-A
Math Songs and Poems contain songs for number & operation, measurement and more.
Songs for Teaching Music that teaches math facts and concepts.
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![]() Grade 3-8. A basic introduction to math concepts. Book is divided into four broad categories: basics, which includes discussion of fractions, averages, equivalants and multiples; measurements; graphing; and geometry. |
![]() An essential tool for standardized tests, the Spectrum Math series offers grade-appropriate coverage of basic arithmetic and math skills. Each book features drill and skill practice in math fundamentals, as well as applications of mathematics in everyday settings. |
![]() Grade 4-6. Packed with illustrations, Geometry for Every Kid uses simple problems and activities to teach about acute and obtuse angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, plane and space figures, and much more! |
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