Handy Measurement
Mathematics: Grades 1-3
A Different Way of Measuring
In this experiment, students measure the area of a dime using methods similar to those used by scientists to measure the size of atoms. https://education.jlab.org/beamsactivity/6thgrade/differentwayofmeasuring/index.html
Measuring Temperature
Mathematics: Grades 3-5
Measuring Weight
Mathematics: Grades 1-3
Measuring Rainfall
Mathematics: Grades 1-3
Working with Liquid Measurements
Mathematics: Grades 3-5
Learning measurements lessons and activities
Measuring Lines in Inches
Measuring Lines in Centimeters
Measurement Conversion Tables
How Long or How Wide? A Measuring Guide (Math Is Categorical) by Brian P. Cleary buy on Amazon
Online Measurement Games
Art Project for measurement
I bought a wooden dollhouse on sale at Hobby Lobby (you could probably find something at a thrift store or just construct something out of different size boxes and cardboard). I raided my scrapbook paper and told the girls to decorate it. They are adding wallpaper and making rugs and anything else they can come up with. I started by showing them how to measure the wall sizes of the house. Then we transferred the measurements and made a template for each wall. Then they cut the paper to size and attached it to the walls of the house. Tons of measurement and opportunities to discuss mathematics. We even had a long discussion on fractions, since many of the measurements involved fractions of an inch. I told them we were taking a day off of school and they had no idea how much they were learning 🙂 I am sure the boys could construct a fort or castle. You could probably even tie this into a history lesson.
From Amy McDow