Paper Models
Paper Models
When planning your paper models, research what paper weight is best suited for your project and how you might want to use it.
Balancing Bird Simple and fun!
Canon 3D Papercraft There are models here that match every subject without explanation! Well except math but you can make up your own math stories.
Free paper models of animals, dinosaurs, fish & Insects that you can print out, cut out, assemble & play with. Try this one: A whole zoo or farm can be created from these links!
From USGS: Geology Models Educational models to illustrate geological phenomena.
Jim’s Printable Minis. A whole house full of mini common objects!
Beginner’s Guide to Model Rockets.
Ben & Jerry’s New England Village.
Paper Dolls from MakingFriends.com.
Paper Toys – Paper Cut-Outs – Custom Paper Models at PaperToys.com. All subjects here, an excellent paper model site.
Peramodel These are true 3 dimensional pieces that you can assemble. Complex but useful. A parent will need to help with these.
Paper Models of Polyhedra Polyhedra are beautiful 3-D geometrical figures that have fascinated philosophers, mathematicians and artists for millennia. More than eighty paper models available for free.
Rakuten Blog has many paper crafts to choose from including Dragon, Panda, Sailing Ship, and Lucky Cat Paper Craft. You’ll need to have your computer translate the page.
Growfully Printable Seed Packets are plain seed packet templates. On the front, there are spots for the seed type, whose garden these seeds came from, and notes. On the back of the envelope, you can write in the seed sowing depth, spacing, and general planting time.
Digital Navy Ships & Airplanes Complex.
NASA’s Solar System Exploration: Kids: Paper Models Build Your Own Space Exploration Fleet.
Yamaha Motor Paper Craft Endangered Animals and Motorcycles. Fairly complex. You may have to dig around the Internet Archive to find the papercraft you want to do as their site is closed.