Social Studies
Social Studies
Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government for Kids teaches how our government works, the use of the primary source materials of GPO Access, and how one can use GPO Access to carry out their civic responsibilities.
United Nation’s Cyberschoolbus An eye-opening site that your kids will love.
PBS Kids: Democracy Project Designed for students in grades three to six. Online activities: How does the government affect me? Inside the voting booth. President for a day!
Doonesbury the comic strip – fun with current events.
FirstGov The U.S. Government’s Official Web Portal.
GeoNet is a challenging online game from Houghton Mifflin and is based on the six essential elements from the National Geography Standards.
Mr Donn’s Pages Lesson plans and activities.
PBS Teacher Source for Social Studies plans and activities. On the social studies page, select a grade range and a period in U.S. or world history to study.
Poster Education They create maps, posters, social studies lesson plans, workbooks, curriculum kits and many other teacher resources for social studies teachers.
Project Vote Smart provides a comprehensive database about thousands of candidates and elected officials and is dedicated to serving all Americans with accurate and unbiased information for electoral decision-making.
Lesson Tutor Social Studies for Kids gives you articles, fun facts, glossaries, and tons of links for all subjects of social studies.
Social Studies Topics resources, broken into topics, from the Federal Resources for Educational Excellence website, which offers hundreds of federally supported education resources from over 45 Federal agencies.