Michigan Social Studies
MGTV Michigan Government Television. Was sometimes live, sometimes taped. Unedited. Programming schedule and Cable Channel locator are on the website. Personally, I love MGTV. When I watch it my child is reminded that politicians can effect changes in the lives of people that are busy doing other things. Also, after a minute or two watching this, she usually goes find other things to interest and I get a bit of time to myself. *grin*
MSU repository Michigan Government Television (MGTV) collection
Michigan.gov The Official State of Michigan Web Site’s Government section. Kid’s page and section for Michigan History
Michigan House of Representatives This website includes a Citizens Guide to State Government, a chart showing all departments in the three branches of our state government, and an explanation of how a bill becomes a law.
Michigan Legislature has legislative session info, MI compiled law info, links and more. A free service of the Michigan Legislative Council, the Michigan House of Representatives, and the Michigan Senate.
Michigan Senate My favorite thing about this site is the Kids Page. There are good coloring pages, really good explanations of what happens at senate sessions, a glossary of senate terms (useful for parents too!), and crosswords.
Michigan Start Pages “Michigan’s Information Portal” Look at this site for all things Michigan including info on maps, counties, localities, regions, & government.
UMich Documents Center is a central reference and referral point for government information, whether local, state, federal, foreign or international. Its web pages are a reference and instructional tool for government, political science, statistical data, and news.
Michigan Unit Study is web-based, which means that all the information you’ll study is online. Each section consists of a location, working geographically around the state, and information about that location.