Shipwrecks Unit Study
Shipwrecks Unit Study has free and low-cost activities, lesson plans, worksheets, study guides, and more.
The information here is for a wide range of ages, grades K-12, depending on which objectives and activities are selected, so please check first to make sure your choices are appropriate for your own family. New information will be added as time allows. Links to lesson plans and activities here represent materials that can be printed and added to your notebook for this unit.
Learning Objectives:
Many parents and teachers will need to create their own goals. You can compare the goals at these sites to create your own goals depending on how stringent your requirements need to be. All links have several suggested activities for different ages.
- Basic Course structure https://www.worldbook.com/free-educational-resources#tcos
- Michigan Department of Education https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/academic-standards
- Maine as an example of state level requirements https://www.maine.gov/doe/ela/standards/index.html
- California state level requirements https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/
- https://www2.mcrel.org/compendium/ National Level
- Ontario Canada K-8 Expectations https://www.dcp.edu.gov.on.ca/en/curriculum#elementary
- Abeka Scope and Sequence https://www.abeka.com/HomeSchool/ScopeAndSequence.aspx
- The series of books called “What your nth Grader needs to know” May also be helpful nth representing the grade your child is in. This series only Goes to grade 8
Bible References:
Look up and compare scriptures at the sites below. In your journal note how the different translations and versions help you to have a fuller understanding of the text.
- American Standard Version https://ebible.org/asv/
- King James Bible in Mp3 https://www.audiotreasure.com/indexKJV.htm
- World English Bible in Mp3 https://www.audiotreasure.com/webindex.htm
- World Wide Study Bible https://www.ccel.org/wwsb
- Free software that will allow you to compare many translations at the same time https://www.e-sword.net/
- New World Translation https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/study-bible/books/
Shipwrecked at Malta. Click through the pages to find a color page, true and false questions, circle the correct word, word search, maze, fill in the blank and crossword all based on Act 27:13-28:16 https://medialibrary.cloversites.com/assets/acts-27-shipwreck-sunday-school-crossword-puzzles-244562
Read Acts 27 on the shipwreck of Paul. Here is a PDF of “Saint Paul’s Captivity Voyage to Rome and Shipwreck (ACTS 27-28) New Evidences of the Relation Between the Sacred Text and Reality” – it seems very supportive of the biblical account. http://www.ejst.tuiasi.ro/Files/02/45-61Melniciuc.pdf
Shipwrecks in History Timeline
List of most famous shipwrecks over the last 400 years https://www.northernmaritimeresearch.com/famous.html
Shipwrecks in History Vocabulary
Aft | Anchor | Astern |
Bail | Bilge | Birth |
Boom | Bow | Bowsprit |
Bulkheads | Cabin | Cockpit |
Chart | Compass | Deck |
Dock | Fore | Foreward |
Foremast | Foresail | Galley |
Gunwale | Halyard | Head |
Helm | Hull | Jib |
Keel | Mainmast | Mainsheet |
Mast | Outhaul | Port |
Rigging | Rudder | Starboard |
Stern | Swabbing the deck | Winch |
WordWeb free downloadable software to look up words. https://wordweb.info/free/
Online Dictionary https://www.dictionary.com/
Island: Shipwreck Vocabulary and definitions https://web.archive.org/web/20100706200157/http://webs.morton709.org/elementary/4th/la/novels/island-shipwreck%20files/vocabulary.pdf
Nautical Vocabulary English-Spanish/Spanish-English https://icdept.cgaux.org/pdf_files/English-Spanish-Glossary-Nautical-Terms.pdf
Shipwrecks in History Book Resources
Non-Fiction Books
Ballard, Robert D Ghost Liners: Exploring the World’s Greatest Lost Ships
Flayhart, William H. Perils of the Atlantic: Steamship Disasters, 1850 to the Present
MacDonald, Fiona and Belinda Gallagher 100 Things You Should Know About Shipwrecks
Pickford, Nigel Atlas of Shipwrecks and Treasure
Platt, Richard Shipwreck (DK Eyewitness Books)
Platt, Richard and Duncan Cameron Shipwreck Detective
Schultz, Ron, Nick Gadbois, and Peter Aschwanden Looking Inside Sunken Treasure (X-Ray Vision)
Smith, K.C. Shipwrecks of the Explorers
Andrea Doria
McMurray, Kevin. Deep Descent: Adventure and Death Diving the Andrea Doria (Adult)
Edmund Fitzgerald
Kantar, Andrew 29 Missing: The True and Tragic Story of the Disappearance of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald Michigan State University Press, 1998, An account of the 1975 sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald in Lake Superior and the subsequent expeditions to discover her fate.
Seymour, Tres The Gulls of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Gulls tell about the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald and other sunken ships in Lake Superior. The Gulls of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Singer, Steven Shipwrecks of Florida
Titanic Books
Adams, Simon Titanic (DK Eyewitness Books)
Archbold, Rick. Last Dinner on the Titanic
Ballard, Robert D. Adventures in Ocean Exploration: From the Discovery of the Titanic to the Search for Noah’s Flood
Ballard, Robert D. The Discovery of the Titanic
Ballard, Robert D. Finding the Titanic
Ballard, Robert D. Return to Titanic: A New Look at the World’s Most Famous Lost Ship
Barczewski, Stephanie L. Titanic 100th Anniversary Edition A Night Remembered
Beesley, Lawrence. The Loss of the S.S. Titanic Its Story and Its Lessons
Biel, Steven, ed. Titanica: The Disaster of the Century in Poetry, Song, and Prose
Brown, David G. The Last Log of the Titanic
Butler, Daniel Allen. “Unsinkable”: The Full Story of RMS Titanic
Donnelly, Judy. The Titanic Lost and Found
Geller, Judith B. Titanic: Women and Children First
Gracie, Archibald. Titanic: A Survivor’s Story
Hall, Steve and Beveridge, Bruce. Olympic and Titanic: The Truth Behind the Conspiracy
Kirkland, Douglas. James Cameron’s Titanic
Kuntz, Tom. The Titanic Disaster HearingsThe Official Transcripts of the 1912 Senate Investigation
Lord, Walter. The Night Lives On The Untold Stories and Secrets Behind the Sinking of the “Unsinkable” Ship
Lord, Walter. A Night to Remember
Lynch, Don. Ghosts of the Abyss: A Journey into the Heart of the Titanic
Mowbray, Jay Henry, ed. Sinking of the Titanic: Eyewitness Accounts
Parisi, Paula. Titanic and the Making of James Cameron: The Inside Story of the Three-Year Adventure That Rewrote Motion Picture History
Pellegrino, Charles. Ghosts of the Titanic
Sandler, Kevin S. Titanic: Anatomy of a Blockbuster
Tibballs, Geoff, ed. The Mammoth Book of the Titanic: Contemporary Accounts From Survivors and the World’s Press
Wade, Wyn Craig. The Titanic: End of a Dream
Winocour, Jack, ed. The Story of the Titanic, As Told by Its Survivors
Yeston, Maury. Titanic: The Complete Book of the Musical
Fiction Books
Bainbridge, Beryl. Every Man for Himself
Bunting, Eve. SOS Titanic
Crew, Gary. Pig on the Titanic a True Story
Cussler, Clive. Raise the Titanic!
Robertson, Morgan. The Wreck of the Titan The Novel That Foretold the Sinking of the Titanic
Walker, James. Murder on the Titanic
Williams, Barbara. Titanic Crossing
Shipwrecks in History Poetry & Music
Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald
Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald Song Lyrics Gordon Lightfoot
Gordon Lightfoot explains why he wrote ‘The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald’ https://www.mlive.com/entertainment/grand-rapids/2015/11/why_gordon_lightfoot_wrote_the.html
Wikipedia Lake Superior article tells why it is written as Gitche Gumee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Superior
Gordon Lightfoot – Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald (Official Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuzTkGyxkYI
Listen to Gordon Lightfoot’s song “Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”, Gordon Lightfoot, (you’ll need to pay for the mp3, but can listen to a song clip). This is a Gordon Lightfoot fan site. The website has many articles about Gordon Lightfoot and The Lightfoot Band.
Lee Murdock
Lee Murdock songs https://leemurdock.com/
The Lost Lake Sailors [2000] There are many ways in which a sailor can be lost, not just in a shipwreck, but also lost at sea, lost in their career, lost in spirit, lost in the pages of history.
Amazon Music
Voices Across the Water [1997] One of Lee’s most popular recordings, in 1997 Lee “finally” included his arrangement of the popular Gordon Lightfoot song, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Always looking for a chance to give his songs accurate historical perspective, Lee joined this contemporary folksong with a traditional song from an earlier era in the Great Lakes iron ore trade, The Red Iron Ore.
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/1VvogPjDdgJmcVdps4EBHu
Titanic Motion Picture
Music from the Motion Picture Titanic Amazon
Céline Dion My Heart Will Go On (Official 25th Anniversary Alternate Music Video)
Shipwrecks in History Video Resources
Marine archaeologists take their profession to a whole new level – the bottom of the ocean. Jorge Ribas meets the crew uncovering World War II shipwrecks off the coast of North Carolina.
Institute of Nautical Archaeology
The 2000-Year-Old Harbor Found Buried Underneath Istanbul
In this video from Modern Marvels, we learn about the Titanic. The Titanic hit an iceberg five days into its voyage.
Floating Experiments a Google search results
The Playa Damas Shipwreck. Short video suggesting that the shipwreck at Playa Damas is that of La Vizcaina, a ship abandoned in 1503 by Christopher Columbus on his fourth and final voyage. The video documents the initial recovery of artifacts from the ship by salvagers in 2001. Some methods employed are not sanctioned by professional archaeologists.
YouTube search Cousteau and Shipwreck https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=shipwreck+cousteau
PBS Shipwreck playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz58QJ68R9CS0i_dANNmDJ1Mra8V5wXHv
Jean-Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures PBS Shipwreck
Jacques Cousteau, He co-developed the aqua-lung which you’d need to explore a shipwreck underwater as they did in the 1943 film Épaves (Shipwrecks)
PBS Wisconsin Documentaries Shipwrecks! https://www.pbs.org/video/shipwrecks-ygbhwc/
Molly Brown: an American Legend. (Educational videos CT 275 .B7656 M738 1997)
Secrets of the Titanic Full Documentary
Titanic’s Final Moments Missing Pieces 2006 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6UxFmnXBac
Titanic’s Ghosts Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6itKQMzTiKE
UPDATE: Titanic’s Ghost October 3, 2013 https://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/update-titanics-ghost/1078/
The Sinking of the Andrea Doria
Roku https://therokuchannel.roku.com/details/45e9c333082f54afa839ba83da9b5a46
Shipwrecks in History Feature Films
A Night to Remember 1958 version
Stream on Amazon Prime with Freevee
Stream on Roku Channel https://therokuchannel.roku.com/details/3596c5e7e62050b4bf2f81429d455329/a-night-to-remember
Stream on Tubi https://tubitv.com/movies/100006408/a-night-to-remember
S.O.S. Titanic 1979
Buy on Amazon
Kanopy https://www.kanopy.com/en/product/5679640
Titanic James Cameron 1997
Buy on Amazon
Stream on Paramount Plus
Titanic 1953 on Prime Video
The Unsinkable Molly Brown on Prime Video
Shipwrecks in History Games
Shipwreck Vocabulary Sentence Practice Vocabulary game
Shipwreck Vocabulary Definitions Section Word Search
The Legend of the Lost Emerald online game. Take a deep dive into maritime mysteries with your students in this point-and-click adventure game. Learners will use critical thinking and historical inquiry skills to recover the real treasure—the stories of shipwrecks inspired by real Great Lakes history. Geared toward grades 4-6.
Wreck Seeker An online game where players take the role of a modern maritime archaeologist hunting for some of Australia’s most prized shipwrecks. Wreck Seeker is a gamified learning platform that allows students to develop and hone their historical skill of enquiry, analysis and source evaluation.
The national marine sanctuaries’ engaging lesson plans and activities allow students to understand the ecological and historical importance of shipwrecks in America’s underwater treasures and how they came to be through critical thinking exercises, games, and other activities. https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/education/teachers/shipwreck/lesson-plans.html
USS Monitor Paper Model Download the model to make your own Monitor. https://monitor.noaa.gov/media/archive/publications/education/paper_model/model.pdf
Monitor Bingo Test your knowledge of the Monitor with the Monitor shipwreck themed bingo game. https://monitor.noaa.gov/media/archive/150th/pdfs/monitor_bingo.pdf
Shipwrecks in History Clip Art
Classroom Clipart Search Results for shipwreck Clipart and Graphics https://classroomclipart.com/cgi-bin/kids/imageFolio.cgi?img=0&bool=phrase&cat=all&search=shipwreck
Scene from the story, “The Shipwreck.” https://etc.usf.edu/clipart/17300/17340/shipwreck_17340.htm
Shipwreck Illustrations & Vectors https://www.dreamstime.com/illustration/shipwreck.html
Getty Images https://www.gettyimages.com/illustrations/shipwreck
FreeImages https://www.freeimages.com/illustrations/clipart/shipwreck
Shipwrecks in History Field Trips
Maritime Archaeology Trust interactive 3D wreck tours https://maritimearchaeologytrust.org/interactive-wreck-tours/
National Ocean Service NOAA The Underwater World of Living Shipwrecks https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/news/nov20/living-shipwrecks.html
Living Shipwrecks 3D https://3d-shipwreck-data-viewer-noaa.hub.arcgis.com/
Virtual Reality Museum Allows Users to Explore Five Shipwrecked Vessels https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/virtual-museum-allows-users-explore-five-shipwrecked-vessels-180972240/
Shipwrecks in History Art, Pictures, and Craft Ideas
Photogallery of underwater shipwrecks https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/article/underwater-wrecks
Titanic & Sir Shackleton’s Endurance Disaster Dioramas free paper models https://www.spitefuls.com/disaster.html
This is about Neil Mawdsley, an artist who loves to paint shipwrecks. He has many paintings from UK and US. http://www.mawdsley.co.uk/
Shipwrecks in History Activities & Lesson Plans
A Day in our Ships and Floating Unit-Study by a fellow homeschooler
Teacher’s Guide for Cobblestone Golden Age of the Steamboat November 2006
Teacher’s Guide for Odyssey Hunters
Make your own worksheets with these worksheet creation tools:
- SchoolHouseTech https://www.schoolhousetech.com/ This company gives away two free software worksheet factories one for Basic math and one for wordsearch utility that will make wonderful complements to this unit when you include the clipart listed in the clipart section.
- Start Write – This program makes nice reports and handwriting worksheets for the unit. https://www.startwrite.com/
- Teacher’s Pet will turn any text into a worksheet I like to use it with the Wikipedia text or texts from Project Gutenberg. Open up a Microsoft Word “New” and then open the template and add ins’ for Teacher’s Pet and add one paragraph at a time and click the appropriate tab for the type of question you want. https://www.teachers-pet.org/
- TeachNology has several online worksheet makers and a ton of Rubric makers. Rubrics work great with Homeschool Tracker because they give you total points and you count up exactly how many points your child gets. https://www.teach-nology.com/worksheets/
- Online Crossword Puzzle Maker to use with your vocabulary words or locations or even dated from the timeline. https://www.happychild.org.uk/wks/english/ssm/crosswords01.htm
Shipwrecks in History Complete Units
Unit study for 20000 Leagues Under the Sea https://laytonadventures.com/20000-leagues-under-the-sea-unit-study-ideas/
Unit study for Treasure Island https://reednovelstudies.org/downloads/Treasure_Island_Novel_Study_Preview.pdf
Shipwrecks in History Information and General Resources
Andrea Doria
Andrea Doria and Rescue at Sea http://www.andreadoria.org
Wikipedia SS Andrea Doria https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Andrea_Doria
Shipwrecks in Australia Stories of Australian Lighthouses https://web.archive.org/web/20090628201818/http://naa.gov.au/Images/3aBeaconsPrimary_tcm2-2943.pdf
Lighthouse unit Student Activity Worksheets https://web.archive.org/web/20090622161524/http://www.naa.gov.au/Images/3bBeaconsSecondary_tcm2-2944.pdf
HMS Cerberus Read more at Wrecksite: https://www.wrecksite.eu/wreck.aspx?16438
Blackbeard’s Shipwreck
Channel Islands
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
DiscoverSea Shipwreck Museum https://www.discoversea.com/
Whydah Pirate Museum Cape Cod’s Authentic Pirate Ship Exhibition https://www.discoverpirates.com/
Steamship Portland
Wikipedia Portland
Gulf of Mexico
Historic shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico https://www.boem.gov/environment/historic-shipwrecks-gulf-mexico
Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum has virtual tours if you can’t get there for a field trip. https://shipwreckmuseum.com/
Michigan DNR interactive map for exploring shipwrecks https://www.wbkb11.com/michigan-dnr-adds-interactive-map-for-exploring-shipwrecks
Edmund Fitzgerald
The Edmund Fitzgerald https://shipwreckmuseum.com/edmund-fitzgerald/
Edmund Fitzgerald home page featuring many other historical shipwrecks, order videos, art, and more. https://web.archive.org/web/20060803071720/http://edmundfitzgerald.com/
Wikipedia SS Edmund Fitzgerald https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Edmund_Fitzgerald
The Story of the Edmund Fitzgerald Aftermath
Exxon Valdez
Exxon Valdez https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exxon_Valdez
New Zealand
Shipwrecks in New Zealand, including the General Grant https://teara.govt.nz/en/shipwrecks/page-7
Lord Worsley Worksheet Wreck of the Lord Worsley https://web.archive.org/web/20081021001009/http://www.pukeariki.com/NR/rdonlyres/2FC505B7-4599-4F7A-926F-9C5373E67CA5/0/LordWorsley.pdf
SS Lord Worsley Read more at Wrecksite
Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes
Black Swan The richest shipwreck in history. http://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/14918
Wikipedia page Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuestra_Se%C3%B1ora_de_las_Mercedes
Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary Shipwreck Detectives Summer Day Camp shows what the kids studied and the results
Encyclopedia Titanica Biographical information on all passengers and crew, articles, deckplans, pictures, a timeline, and more.
Belfast Titanic Society Information and pictures from the place where the Titanic was built
Unit study for The Titanic https://homeschoolhelperonline.com/the-titanic-unit-study/
Teachers’ Guide for Cobblestone Titanic April 2012
Vancouver Island Shipwrecks https://www.pacificsands.com/2019/11/27/if-our-west-coast-waters-could-talk-historic-vancouver-island-shipwrecks/
West Coast Shipwrecks
National Marine Sanctuaries Shipwrecks West Coast Shipwrecks
Explore shipwrecks from four National Marine Sanctuaries on the West Coast of the U.S.
Wisconsin Great Lakes shipwrecks
Wisconsin Historical Society Historical Essay Shipwrecks, Shipwrecks Everywhere Underwater Archaeology
Exploring Shipwrecks Underwater Archaeology
Activity 1: What Causes Ships to Wreck
Activity 2: Shipwreck! Documenting an Underwater Site
How to Research Ship Wrecks https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+research+ship+wrecks.&oq=how+to+research+ship+wrecks.&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRhAqAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=U
AUVfest 2008 Shipwreck Mystery Marine Archaeology. Grade 7-8
Deepwater Coral Expedition: Reefs, Rigs and Wrecks Marine Archaeology. Grade 5-6
Steamship Portland Do You Have a Sinking Feeling Marine Archaeology. Grade 9-12
Aegean and Black Sea 2006 Expedition Wreck Detectives Marine Archaeology. Grade 5-6
AUVfest Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Festival 2008 The Robot Archaeologist Marine Archaeology/Marine Navigation. Grades 9-12
AUVfest Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Festival 2008 Ship of the Line Marine Archaeology. Grades 5-6
Women of Science: Underwater Archaeology with Dr. Daria Merwin
NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration Expeditions and Projects 2006 https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/06_overview.pdf
Search Discovery.com website for shipwreck https://www.discovery.com/search/shipwreck-
Shipwreck Central TV, the home site of The Sea Hunters on YouTube. Shipwreck Central is the definitive YouTube Channel for shipwreck enthusiasts, containing the most extensive shipwreck video collection available on the web.
Aegean and Black Sea 2006 Expedition I Can’t Breathe Anoxic ocean environments. Grades 9-12
Thunder Bay Sinkholes 2008 The Cells That Changed the World Cyanobacteria. Grades 9-12
Thunder Bay Sinkholes 2008 Biological Organisms in cold seep communities. Grades 7-8
2004 Return to Titanic Expedition What’s Eating Titanic Biodeterioration Processes. Grade 9-12
Steamship Portland Ping Side Scan Sonar. Grades 7-8
Deepwater Coral Expedition: Reefs, Rigs and Wrecks Call to Arms Robotic analogues for human structures. Grades 5-6
Steamship Portland Where’s the Energy about Energy conversions. Grades 5-6
Steamship Portland All Steamed Up Energy conversions and simple machines. Grades 7-8
Float, Sink, Density
Kids Floating and Density Experiments
Steve Spangler Science Floating Lemons and Sinking Limes Experiment
Discovery Education Underwater Forensics
Aegean and Black Sea 2006 Expedition The Volcano Factory Volcanism. Grades 5-6
Aegean and Black Sea 2006 Expedition My Friend, the Volcano Ecological impacts of volcanism. Grades 7-8
Social Studies
PHAEDRA 2006: Partnership for Hellenic-American Exploration in the Deep Regions of the Aegean This Old Ship Ancient and prehistoric shipwrecks. Grades 7-8
PHAEDRA 2006 Partnership for Hellenic-American Exploration in the Deep Regions of the Aegean
Mapping the Aegean Seafloor Bathymetric mapping of deepsea bottom features. Grades 7-8
Shipwrecks in History Information
Shipwreck Webquest designed for 6th grade https://www2.gvsu.edu/gonsiorr/FAMOUS%20SHIPWRECKS.htm
Nova Scotia Virtual Webquest https://web.archive.org/web/20140323224333/http://www.novascotia.ca:80/nsarm/virtual/nsandsea/pdf/webquestshipwrecks.pdf
Lighthouses and their roles in saving ships. The History Channel Save Our History American Lighthouses and this companion guide focus on the plight of some of America’s oldest and most famous lighthouses.
Lost Liners Join Dr. Bob Ballard on a tour of the greatest lost liners in maritime history.
The longitude problem in Where in the world? The mathematics of navigation https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/objects-and-stories/where-world-mathematics-navigation
An Extraordinary 500-Year-Old Shipwreck Is Rewriting the History of the Age of Discovery
Evaluation Ideas:
Assemble a three ring binder and please include:
- A copy of this unit
- Course Description (Highschool Students)
- Write a summary about books read for the unit
- Your Lapbook created for the unit (K-8 Students)
- Any worksheets or activity books created with Teachers Pet https://www.teachers-pet.org/ or the SchoolhouseTech Software https://www.schoolhousetech.com/
- Your journal and its contents
- Your Log of activities from Homeschool Tracker https://www.homeschooltracker.com/free-homeschool-tracker-basic-edition Its Free!
- Your Timeline