Scotland Unit Study
Learning Objectives:
Many parents and teachers will need to create their own goals. You can compare the goals at these sites to create your own goals depending on how stringent your requirements need to be. All links have several suggested activities for different ages.
- Basic Course structure https://www.worldbook.com/free-educational-resources#tcos
- Michigan Department of Education https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/academic-standards
- Maine as an example of state level requirements https://www.maine.gov/doe/ela/standards/index.html
- California state level requirements https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/
- https://www2.mcrel.org/compendium/ National Level
- Ontario Canada K-8 Expectations https://www.dcp.edu.gov.on.ca/en/curriculum#elementary
- Abeka Scope and Sequence https://www.abeka.com/HomeSchool/ScopeAndSequence.aspx
- The series of books called “What your nth Grader needs to know” May also be helpful nth representing the grade your child is in. This series only Goes to grade 8
Bible References:
Look up and compare scriptures at the sites below. In your journal note how the different translations and versions help you to have a fuller understanding of the text.
- American Standard Version https://ebible.org/asv/
- King James Bible in Mp3 https://www.audiotreasure.com/indexKJV.htm
- World English Bible in Mp3 https://www.audiotreasure.com/webindex.htm
- World Wide Study Bible https://www.ccel.org/wwsb
- Free software that will allow you to compare many translations at the same time https://www.e-sword.net/
- New World Translation https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/study-bible/books/
Early Christianity in Scotland https://www.thereformation.info/earlychristianity/
St Andrew patron saint of Scotland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_the_Apostle
A Timeline of Scottish History
Timeline from Undiscovered Scotland https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/usfeatures/timeline/index.html
Notable Figures
Mary, Queen of Scots
Queen of Scots Mary Biography https://www.notablebiographies.com/Ma-Mo/Mary-Queen-of-Scots.html
Mary, Queen of Scots Lesson Plan https://www.elephango.com/index.cfm/pg/k12learning/lcid/12364/Mary,_Queen_of_Scots
Mary, Queen of Scots Unit https://schoolhistory.co.uk/early-modern/mary-queen-of-scots/
Robert the Bruce
Robert I (r. 1306-1329) from the British Royal Family website https://www.royal.uk/robert-i-r-1306-1329
Wikipedia biography https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_the_Bruce
Objects Associated with Robert the Bruce https://www.nms.ac.uk/explore-our-collections/stories/scottish-history-and-archaeology/robert-the-bruce/
Brittanica biography https://www.britannica.com/biography/Robert-the-Bruce
Loch Ness Monster
Official Loch Ness Monster website Loch Ness monster legend http://www.nessie.co.uk/ The Legend of Nessie the Ultimate and Official Loch Ness Monster Site, with up-to-date information and photographs of new and past sightings. A must for all Nessie enthusiasts.
Wikipedia: Loch Ness Monster https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loch_Ness_Monster
WordWeb free downloadable software to look up words. https://wordweb.info/free/
Online Dictionary https://www.dictionary.com/
Scottish Sayings https://www.myvoyagescotland.com/scottish-sayings
A Look at Scots Language https://www.wildernessscotland.com/blog/scots-language/
Gaelic in Scotland https://www.highland.gov.uk/site/gaelic-toolkit/toolkit/gaelic_history/index.html
Scottish Gaelic-English-Scottish Gaelic online dictionary https://www.freelang.net/online/scottish_gaelic.php
Book Resources
Book list about Scotland and inspired by Scotland for all ages, including The Water Horse by Dick King-Smith (a chapter book and made into a movie), and the Luck of the Loch Ness Monster by A.W. Flaherty and Scott Magoon (a picture book) https://www.travelforkids.com/Funtodo/Scotland/scotland.htm
Project Gutenberg: A Short History of Scotland by Andrew Lang. Download the free eBook “A Short History of Scotland” by Andrew Lang http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/15955
Book list by Scottish Authors https://booksfromscotland.com/book/childrens-hearings-in-scotland/
Scotland’s Queen: The Story of Mary Stuart by Marguerite Vance
Stone Age Farmers Beside the Sea: Scotland’s Prehistoric Village of Skara Brae by Caroline Arnold https://www.carolinearnoldbooks.com/stone.htm
The Story of Scotland Yard by Laurence Thompson (World Landmark Books #W-16)
The Mystery at Loch Ness by Rebecca Price Janney https://rebeccapricejanney.com/
Little House Martha Years books by Melissa Wiley https://melissawiley.com/series/little-house-books/martha/ The Martha Years books are a series of four novels written by Melissa Wiley about Laura Ingalls Wilder’s great-grandmother, Martha Morse Tucker.
Matilda of Scotland: A Study in Medieval Queenship by Lois L. Huneycutt
The Oxford Book of Scottish Short Stories
A History of Scotland: Look Behind the Mist and Myth of Scottish History
The Bruce Trilogy: A Superb Trilogy About Scotland’s Greatest Hero
The Story of Scotland by Richard Brassey and Stewart Ross
Mary, Queen of Scots: Queen Without a Country, France, 1553 (The Royal Diaries)
This Is Edinburgh by Miroslav Sasek
Poetry & Music
Over 300 examples of Scottish poetry http://www.rampantscotland.com/poetry/blpoems_index.htm
Poet Robert Burns https://www.electricscotland.com/burns/
2009 celebrates the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns’ birth. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/7849882.stm
Music of Scotland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_of_Scotland
Michigan Scottish Pipes and Drums https://michiganscottish.com/ Go listen to live pipe and drum music, or learn it
The Evolution of the Great Highland Bagpipe by Robert Worrall https://www.hendersongroupltd.com/resources/history-of-bagpipes/
Classical Sprouts: All About The Bagpipes https://www.interlochenpublicradio.org/podcast/classical-sprouts/2022-07-25/classical-sprouts-all-about-the-bagpipes
Detroit Highlanders https://detroithighlanders.org/
Wonder cd of Scottish music! The Best of Scottish Pipes & Drums
Video Resources
PBS Secrets of Scotland Yard https://dptv.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/9d516a84-dc52-4748-969f-c504a03f363c/secrets-of-scotland-yard-part-1/
Teaching Kids Golf: A Baffled Parent’s Guide by Bernadette Detty Moore
Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf by Ben Hogan and Herbert Warren
Golf for Kids!
History of Golf
The history of golf is traced from its origins in Scotland to its development into the modern game of golf. http://www.golfing-scotland.com/history.asp
History of Golf & Golf Equipment https://www.liveabout.com/history-of-golf-and-golf-equipment-1991851
Wikipedia: History of Golf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_golf
Scottish Golf History http://www.scottishgolfhistory.net/contents.htm
Historic U.K. History of Golf https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofScotland/The-History-of-Golf/
St Andrews Home of Golf History https://standrews.com/page/our_history
Timeline of Most Important Golf Dates https://linksmagazine.com/timeline-golf-important-dates/
History of the Old Course https://www.theexperiencestandrews.com/us/about/old-course-history/
Highland Games
Do your own Backyard Highland Games https://www.instructables.com/Backyard-Highland-Games/
Scottish Recipes https://www.electricscotland.com/food/recipes/
Traditional Scottish Recipes http://www.rampantscotland.com/recipes/blrecipe_index.htm
Scottish food traditions https://www.nts.org.uk/stories/scottish-food-traditions
Scottish Shortbread https://www.cooks.com/rec/search/0,1-0,scottish_shortbread,FF.html
Haggis – A Food Timeline https://www.foodtimeline.org/foodpuddings.html#haggis
BBC Food https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/haggis_66072
Vegan Haggis https://thepeskyvegan.com/recipes/vegan-haggis/
Haggis Candy https://thescottishbutcher.com/chocolate-haggis/
Field Trips
The St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit, founded in 1849, is a benevolent organization dedicated to preserving Scottish heritage through its literature, customs, music, dance, and dress. Each year we proudly present North America’s Oldest Continuous Highland Games. 160th Games will be held July 31- August 1, 2009. It’s the longest continuous running Scottish festival of its kind in North America. Find Scottish items, find your tartan and crest, talk with members of St. Andrew’s Society who are a friendly bunch of people. www.highlandgames.com/
Looking forward to the 175th Highland Games! August 2 & 3, 2024!
The Association of Scottish Games and Festivals https://www.asgf.org/ Find Scottish Games near you
Art, Pictures & Craft Ideas
Country of Scotland Coloring Pages https://www.coloring.ws/scotland.htm
Scottish Artist John Duncan Fergusson biography and links to artwork https://www.nationalgalleries.org/art-and-artists/features/john-duncan-fergusson
Scottish Colourists learn what and who they were https://www.nationalgalleries.org/art-and-artists/glossary-terms/scottish-colourists
Activities and Lesson Plans
Electric Scotland Children’s Page. Here you will find games, stories, fairy tales, ghost stories, poems, the adventures of Hamish the Haggis, recipes, crafts (including ones to do with tartans and making your own Scottish family crest), online coloring books, music, and more. https://www.electricscotland.com/kids/index.htm
Time Warp Trio Medieval Scotland Lesson Plan https://timewarptrio.com/teachers-parents/lessons/
The Princess and the Golden Shoes: A Scottish Cinderella Variant
Scottish Animals
Scottish Fold Cat https://www.thesprucepets.com/scottish-fold-profile-551898
Scottish Dog Breeds https://www.scottish-at-heart.com/scottish-dog-breeds.html
DLTK Kids https://www.dltk-kids.com/world/scotland/index.htm
Scottish Terrier Coloring Page https://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/mammals/dog/Scotty.shtml
West Highland and Scottish Terrier Coloring Page https://www.supercoloring.com/coloring-pages/scottish-and-west-highland-terriers
Wild Scotland: 10 Magnificent Animals to Spot in the Highlands https://www.kilcamblodge.co.uk/blog/around-scotland/wild-scotland-10-magnificent-animals-to-spot-in-the-highlands
Wild animals taken in Scotland, in their natural environment https://www.flickr.com/groups/scotlandsnatureanimals/
Use the pictures of animals of certain countries to make flashcards with facts on them that you find for the kids. Helps them understand the environment and habitat. What animals would survive in what environment.
Nature, Plants and Wildlife in Scotland https://www.electricscotland.com/nature/index.htm
Castles in Scotland https://www.visitscotland.com/things-to-do/attractions/castles/great-scottish-castles
Historic Scotland is an executive agency of the Scottish Government and is charged with safeguarding the nation’s historic environment and promoting its understanding and enjoyment on behalf of Scottish Ministers. https://www.historicenvironment.scot/
Viking Raids on Scotland https://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/history/early_scotland/viking_raids_on_scotland/
Tracing Scotland’s unique place in the Roman world https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-65388673
BBC History Scottish History interactive https://www.bbc.co.uk/history/scottishhistory/media_museum/media_museum_index1_sections_1to3.shtml
Scottish Fishing Families https://www.pbs.org/wnet/wideangle/uncategorized/gutted-filmmaker-notes-meet-director-david-peat/443/
How Surnames Came to Be in Countries such as Scotland (Grades 3-5) https://web.archive.org/web/20100404003854/http://edsitement.neh.gov/view_lesson_plan.asp?id=480
Interactive Scottish History http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/scottishhistory/index.shtml
Scotland Yard
Scotland Yard https://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/calendar-activities/scotland-yard-established
Textiles, Clothing, Tartan and Plaid
Tartan: the Fabric of a Nation https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/research/learning/features/tartan-the-fabric-of-a-nation
Find your clan’s tartan at Scottish Register of Tartans https://www.tartanregister.gov.uk/index
Peat Bog Yields Oldest Known Scottish Tartan Fabric https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/tartan-0018142
Create your own tartan weaving https://www.bakerross.co.uk/craft-ideas/kids/tartan-weaving/
Tartan Paper Weaving https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX3Mk_p7yxY
Wikipedia: Tartan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartan
When is a Plaid a Tartan https://handwovenmagazine.com/whats-the-difference-between-tartan-and-plaid/
History of Tartan and Highland dress https://www.kinlochanderson.com/highland-dress/history-of-tartan/
Nat Geo’s The real history of tartan, from the Scottish Highlands to the streets of Tokyo https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/scotland-tartan-plaid-real-history
Crayola Scotland’s Perfect Plaids Lesson Plan. Create an original tartan plaid, and craft a kilt or scarf with the fabric. https://www.crayola.com/lesson-plans/scotland’s-perfect-plaids-lesson-plan/
National Tartan Day is celebrated on April 6 https://www.scotland.org/events/tartan-day/tartan-day-in-the-usa
Council of Scottish Clans & Associations Tartan Day Events – you might find an event near you https://www.cosca.scot/tartan-day
New York City Tartan Day Parade – Saturday, 6th April, 2024 https://www.nyctartanweek.org/
History of National Tartan Day https://www.nationalcapitaltartanday.com/history-of-tartan-day/
4/6 (Saturday) Tartan Day Cèildh at Kilgour Scottish Centre https://detroitscots.com/events/
How tweed became a symbol of Scottish culture. In Scotland’s hills and islands, textile traditions touch on sustainability and local pride while making a mark in high fashion.
Jacquard Loom. What is the connection to computer programming? Find out!
Evaluation Ideas:
Assemble a three ring binder and please include:
- A copy of this unit
- Course Description (Highschool Students)
- Write a summary about books read for the unit
- Your Lapbook created for the unit (K-8 Students)
- Any worksheets or activity books created with Teachers Pet https://www.teachers-pet.org/ or the SchoolhouseTech Software https://www.schoolhousetech.com/
- Your journal and its contents
- Your Log of activities from Homeschool Tracker https://www.homeschooltracker.com/free-homeschool-tracker-basic-edition Its Free!
- Your Timeline
Your Lapbook created for the unit (K-8 Students)
Lapbook ElementsSome items in Frog Went A-Courtin’ for a lapbook on Scotland https://www.homeschoolshare.com/frog-went-a-courtin-unit-study
Items in Choose-a-Country lapbook at Homeschool Share that you can use for Scotland or any country https://www.homeschoolshare.com/country-lapbook/