Bible References:
Look up and compare scriptures at the sites below. In your journal note how the different translations and versions help you to have a fuller understanding of the text.
- American Standard Version https://ebible.org/asv/
- King James Bible in Mp3 https://www.audiotreasure.com/indexKJV.htm
- World English Bible in Mp3 https://www.audiotreasure.com/webindex.htm
- World Wide Study Bible https://www.ccel.org/wwsb
- Free software that will allow you to compare many translations at the same time https://www.e-sword.net/
- New World Translation https://www.jw.org/en/library/bible/study-bible/books/
Learning Objectives:
Many parents and teachers will need to create their own goals. You can compare the goals at these sites to create your own goals depending on how stringent your requirements need to be. All links have several suggested activities for different ages.
- Basic Course structure https://www.worldbook.com/free-educational-resources#tcos
- Michigan Department of Education https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/academic-standards
- Maine as an example of state level requirements https://www.maine.gov/doe/ela/standards/index.html
- California state level requirements https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/
- https://www2.mcrel.org/compendium/ National Level
- Ontario Canada K-8 Expectations https://www.dcp.edu.gov.on.ca/en/curriculum#elementary
- Abeka Scope and Sequence https://www.abeka.com/HomeSchool/ScopeAndSequence.aspx
- The series of books called “What your nth Grader needs to know” May also be helpful nth representing the grade your child is in. This series only Goes to grade 8
The student will be able to
- Appreciate the importance of summer in the seasonal cycle.
- Develop listening skills and demonstrate these skills.
- Become familiar with terms and procedures related to topic.
- Dramatize information learned about topic.
- Evaluate information based on prior experiences and newly-acquired knowledge.
- Research a variety of documents to obtain knowledge.
- Exercise critical thinking skills.
- Learn to gather and use research information.
- Create a notebook to demonstrate organizational skills.
Create a timeline of your own life! Focus on activities that have taken place in the summer!
beach |
ocean |
sand |
beach |
ball |
baseball |
bubbles |
vacation |
solstice |
sunglasses |
watermelon |
summer |
bird |
ice cream |
bicycle |
growing |
pollination |
monument |
barbecue |
sunscreen |
cookout |
garden |
rake |
hoe |
sandcastle |
popsicle |
humidity |
WordWeb free downloadable software to look up words. https://wordweb.info/free/
Dictionary.com online Dictionary https://www.dictionary.com/
Look up your Vocabulary words in another language. Create a section for your three ring binder for language learning https://www.babelfish.com/
Word Tracing Worksheet Generator you can create tracing worksheets for your vocabulary words
Free Fonts for Teachers
Pre-cursive and Cursive Fonts https://www.bjupress.com/category/elementary-handwriting/5637160378.c
Book Resources
Fresh & Fun: Summer. Dozens of Instant and Irresistible Ideas and Activities from Creative Teachers across the Country. School may be out, but learning is still as fun as ever. This collection features teacher-tested activities for Bugs, Sand and Sun, Patriotism, and Friendship. Includes a read-aloud play, math storymat, mini-book, art projects, computer and literature links, and more. Grades K – 2
Summer Reading Projects
See if your local bookstore has a summer reading program your kids might like to participate in. The national chain, Barnes and Noble, usually has a summer reading program.
Look up OLD books to read over the summer little kids will like to read books by Beatrix potter older ones might like Jules Verne. https://www.gutenberg.org
Textbooks free online reading for Highschool and College as well as teachers. https://nap.nationalacademies.org/
Do you plan on being in the car for much of the summer? These mp3 books would be great listening
Science @ NASA News Archive. Some articles will directly relate to summer. https://web.archive.org/web/20050730092032/http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/news_archive.htm
All the old Radio Shows! https://www.oldradioworld.com/
Arthur’s Family Vacation. A rainy family vacation is not what Arthur had in mind. In fact, he had his heart set on going to Camp Meadowcroak with his friends. As Arthur discovers, however, there are 101 fun things to do in the rain, and being with his family is not half-bad, either. Based on the book series by Marc Brown.
Poetry + Music
Songs for Car Trips https://faculty.washington.edu/crowther/Misc/Songs/
MP3 Singing Science Songs some are Specific to summer others are great for learning in the car. https://web.archive.org/web/20050425075153/http://www.acme.com/jef/science_songs/
Summer Songs https://songsforteaching.com/calendarseasons.htm
Summer Poems for kids
Songs and Poems about Summer https://www.canteach.ca/resources/songs-poems/summer/
Video and Software Resources
Practice the geography of the lands that have summer right now! http://www.yourchildlearns.com/owlmouse.htm
Choose games to make https://web.archive.org/web/20040111040408/http://edweb.sdsu.edu/courses/edtec670/Cardboard/matrix.html
Using the instruction guide for the GeoSafari you can create a ton of cards for this unit. GeoSafari is GREAT for long car trips https://archive.org/details/GeoSafari-Manual
Try matching the Item to the season
The vocabulary words with a picture or a definition
Clip Art
The variety of things done in summer leaves it difficult to see which clipart suits best this unit. Please browse around the websites listed to find what you need.
Summer Science
Build your own Stonehenge activity
Sprouting STEM Activity
Science. Have two squares of butter and place one on each plate. Put one in a very sunny area and the other one in a shady area. Come back later and discuss with the children what has happened.
Do a mini-study of bubbles. Bubbles are a great way to have fun and explore the properties of air, water, color, and light at the same time. Observe the bubbles that you make and record your findings in your journal.
The Science of Summer https://dptv.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/the-science-of-summer/ Get ready for summer by exploring the science behind some of your favorite summer activities. Discover the physics of sailing, the chemistry of campfires, the science of blowing bubbles, the mineral composition of sand, and the forces that allow humans to ride bicycles and roller coasters.
Summer Crafts
Sun Prints. Put three or four shapes out of construction paper on a brightly colored paper. Place the papers in a sunny window. After several days, let the children remove the shapes from their papers to reveal the non-faded areas under the shapes. Let the children outline the non-faded areas with glue and sprinkle on glitter.
Summer Watercolor Pictures lesson plan from A to Z Teacher Stuff
Bubble Recipe
- 1 gallon cool water
- 1 cup liquid dishwashing detergent (Dawn or Joy)
- 2 Tbsp. liquid glycerin or white syrup
Mix the water and detergent thoroughly making as little suds as possible. Allow the mixture to sit overnight in a cool place. Add more water to this mixture on a less humid day. Glycerin is available at the pharmacy.
Craft Recipes sidewalk chalk, gak, slime, and play dough
Sand Painting a href=”https://homegrownfriends.com/home/sand-painting/”>https://homegrownfriends.com/home/sand-painting/
Make Sand playdough https://7daysofplay.com/sand-play-dough-ocean-sensory-activity
Play dough and more from A to Z Teacher Stuff
How to make playdough without cream of tartar and no cook play doh
Big Bubble Book. Have each child use white finger paint to paint a big bubble. While still wet, sprinkle multi-colored glitter on the bubble. Let dry. Shake off excess glitter. Cut around the bubble, then glue to another paper. Write as they describe their bubble. Bind the pictures together to make a book. Read during group time.
Bubble Art. Have the children put their own straw into a cup of bubble mixture and blow until bubbles are on top of the cup. Lay your paper on top of the bubbles and the design will show up on their paper. Add food coloring to the bubble mixture to make the designs more colorful.
Summer Food Recipes
Look up your state’s In-Season fruit and vegetables and choose a few ingredients and create your own smoothies
The Seasonal Food Guide website also lets you know what to look for when choosing your produce
Learn more about each fruit or vegetable USDA Snap-Ed Connection
Simple Green Smoothies offers around 10 smoothie recipes as a way to start helping your kid drink a daily smoothie and sneak more fruits and veggies into their diet.
Kraft’s website has quite a few food recipes for Summer such as: Summer Berry Poke Cake, Summer Poke Cupcakes, Summer Berry Pie, Low-Fat Raspberry Summer Sensation, Kool-Aid Kool Pops, and Summer Grilled Chicken and Vegetables, Summer Squash Bake
Fruit Kebabs. You need strawberries, orange segments, pineapple chunks, melon chunks, lettuce leaves. For each child thread one or two strawberries, orange segments, pineapple chunks, and melon chunks on a bamboo skewer. Serve in top of lettuce leaves placed on paper plates. Talk with the children about the rainbow colors of the fruits. Then have them remove the fruits from the skewer before eating them.
Ice Cream Social. Have 4 or 5 different types of ice cream for the children to taste.
Field Trips
- The Beach
- The Zoo
- A Farm (try to do a organic and a regular farm for comparison)
Summer Solstice
The summer solstice is celebrated in some way in almost every culture on the Earth. But what really happens to our planet on this day, and why is it so important to us? https://starwalk.space/en/news/summer-solstice-first-day-of-summer
Summer Solstice https://www.weather.gov/abq/clifeatures_summersolstice
National Solar Observatory short video What is Summer Solstice?
Make your own worksheets with these worksheet creation tools:
- SchoolHouseTech https://www.schoolhousetech.com/ This company gives away two free software worksheet factories one for Basic math and one for wordsearch utility that will make wonderful complements to this unit when you include the clipart listed in the clipart section.
- Start Write – This program makes nice reports and handwriting worksheets for the unit. https://www.startwrite.com/
- Teacher’s Pet will turn any text into a worksheet I like to use it with the Wikipedia text or texts from Project Gutenberg. Open up a Microsoft Word “New” and then open the template and add ins’ for Teacher’s Pet and add one paragraph at a time and click the appropriate tab for the type of question you want. https://www.teachers-pet.org/
- TeachNology has several online worksheet makers and a ton of Rubric makers. Rubrics work great with Homeschool Tracker because they give you total points and you count up exactly how many points your child gets. https://www.teach-nology.com/worksheets/
- Online Crossword Puzzle Maker to use with your vocabulary words or locations or even dated from the timeline. https://www.happychild.org.uk/wks/english/ssm/crosswords01.htm
Worksheets, Activities, and complete units
Make a journal about your summer vacation. Include your thoughts in addition to pictures.
Summer Activities as well as arts and crafts https://www.dltk-holidays.com/summer/index.html
Summer Theme Worksheets https://www.edhelper.com/summer.htm
Kidzone Summer Themed Math Pages https://www.kidzone.ws/math/summer/
Seasonal Haiku: Writing Poems to Celebrate Any Season (grades 3-5)
Under the Sea and Summer Sun https://www.angelfire.com/ga/prespecial/page78.html
Wild about watermelons https://www.thevirtualvine.com/watermelons.html
Make a map of the areas that have winter and summer right now. In your journal write why the seasons change. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/
Summer Season worksheets from Teacher Planet
Evaluation Ideas:
Assemble a three ring binder and please include:
- A copy of this unit
- Course Description (Highschool Students)
- Write a summary about books read for the unit
- Your Lapbook created for the unit (K-8 Students)
- Any worksheets or activity books created with Teachers Pet https://www.teachers-pet.org/ or the SchoolhouseTech Software https://www.schoolhousetech.com/
- Your journal and its contents
- Your Log of activities from Homeschool Tracker https://www.homeschooltracker.com/free-homeschool-tracker-basic-edition Its Free!
- Your Timeline
Affiliate Links
Amazon | NotebookingPages.com |
Fresh & Fun: Summer Scholastic![]() |
Memorial Day Notebooking Pages![]() |
The Calendar Kids Meet June by April Martin![]() |
Birds Notebooking Pages![]() |
Collapsible Foldable Beach Sand Buckets and Shovels Set![]() |
USA National Monuments, Memorials, and Parks Notebooking Pages![]() |