Classical Education/Trivium
The Classical Approach to education is based upon the medieval scheme of education teaching children to think, not teaching “subjects”. The medieval syllabus has as the primary part of education the Trivium. The Trivium consists of three parts: “Grammar”, “Dialectic”, and “Rhetoric”. The first part, “Grammar”, is not the subject of grammar; rather it is the study of the basic facts of different subjects. This stage covers the ages of approximately 6 to 10, the stage when children are the most receptive to information and will readily memorize information. The “Dialectic” stage, begins at approximately age 10 when children naturally begin to demonstrate independent or abstract thought. In the “Rhetoric” stage, the aim is to produce a student who can use language, both written and spoken, eloquently and persuasively to express what he thinks.
Classical Christian Homeschooling
Classical Homeschooling Magazine
The Well-Trained Mind
Classical Education