Unit Study
Unit studies are an integrated thematic approach to learning several subjects/concepts through a main topic. Topics or themes can be chosen by the child’s interests, experiences in family life, books, events in the news, etc. This method can be used with different grades at one time to incorporate all the children of a family. Unit studies can be made up by the parent, taken from a book of unit studies or from sources on-line. For example, a child’s interest may be insects. Several subjects can be covered with this one topic. Science includes the insects’ body parts and habitats. Geography is learned by studying different countries’ insects. Many fictional books with insect characters can be found to cover reading. Social studies is covered with insect control or insect use in different cultures. For more help planning your own unit study, see Highland Heritage.
Unit-Safari (YahooGroup files are being updated and integrated into this website).
Heart of Wisdom Unit Studies by Robin Sampson
Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett