Not Back to School Picnic
Just a reminder to add this to your calendar for August 30, 2005. And to let those that are wondering know, we do have quite a number of teens coming, so if you have teens who are wondering if they are the only Homeschool teens around, they can come and meet lots here. The first 15 minutes of our Q &A panel will be some Homeschool teens and Homeschool graduates..they’ll take any questions you want to throw at them!
REACH and OCHS are combining for a Not Back to School Picnic to be held on August 30th from 11:30 to 1:30 at Boulan Park in Troy. Bring your picnic lunch and meet with other homeschoolers in the area! There will be a question and answer session from 12:00 to 1:00 in the pavilion. If anyone has any clubs or classes they would like to start, or if you are already part of existing clubs or classes, please bring any information that you have. If anyone would like to organize games or activities for the kids during the picnic, feel free to do so.
Boulan park is located in Troy approximately 1/2 mile north of Big Beaver road off of Crooks. It is on the west side of Crooks behind a small cemetery. Look forward to seeing lots of faces there! Hope everyone can make it!