New satellites of Jupiter were discovered April 5, 2003. The Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii describes the discovery, bringing the total of known Jupiter satellites to 60. Jupiter Irregular Satellite and Moon page lists the current count of satellites at all planets in our solar system.
March 13, 1781 – Uranus Discovered. Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and is the third largest in the solar system. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1781. It has an equatorial diameter of 51,800 kilometers (32,190 miles) and orbits the Sun once every 84.01 Earth years. It has a mean distance from the Sun of 2.87 billion kilometers (1.78 billion miles). The length of a day on Uranus is 17 hours 14 minutes. Uranus has at least 22 moons. The two largest moons, Titania and Oberon, were discovered by William Herschel in 1787.
February 18, 1930 – Planet Pluto Discovered. Nine Planets has facts about our ninth planet. March 7, 1996, Hubble Space Telescope reveals surface of Pluto for the first time. Pluto was once our solar system’s ninth planet. In 2006 Pluto was reclassified as a drawf planet. It’s located in the Kuiper Belt.