REACH Not Back to School Picnic
Tuesday, August 31, 2004 come and join us for a “Not Back to School Picnic”!
While the schools fill up, the park empties!
We’ll meet at 11:00 and stay for however long we want. We have reserved the pavilion for our use as well. This is a time for fun and games and celebrating that our kids are home with us. We will also have a designated “Q&A” time (12:30) for those who are new to homeschooling and are looking for a chance to ask questions of experienced homeschool families. We’ll have one of the tables set aside with homeschool info as well. This is a ‘bring your own food” picnic!! If anyone wants to organize some games or crafts, just let us know, we’re open for all kinds of fun!
We will have this at River Woods Park in Auburn Hills. This is located at the corner of Squirrel Rd. and M-59. Easy to find and easy to get to. There is a great play structure, a climbing wall, basketball courts, and a walking trail. Fun for all ages.
After note: What a great turnout! Fabulous weather, quite a few chess games, lots of questions & answers, etc. I am happy about all the neat stuff for this coming year and all the new members!