Salad Meal Prep
Meal Prep,  Salad

Salad Smoothie and Rice Meal Prep

Today’s meal prep salad has kale, spinach, cucumber, arugula, green leaf lettuce, and carrots. We also cut up a ton of bananas that are still in layers in the freezer waiting to go into bags for the smoothies. We put some rice in the rice cooker and baked some carrots and sweet potatoes for a confetti rice. Strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries were washed for snacking and smoothies. Some cucumbers straws were cut and put in a snack container that can also hold some hummus for dipping. I really appreciate my daughter for allowing me to meal prep and for chopping so much food.

Meal Prep May 19 2019
Meal Prepped Large Salad | Jodi Robertson
Meals Prepped
Item Qty
Smoothie Bags 7
Confetti Rice & Greens 4
Rice & Greens 2
Cucumber Snack Cups 4
Berries Snack Cups 2 to 3
Confetti Rice 2
Hard Boiled Eggs 8
Spinach Bags 2
Yogurt Black Cherry Smoothies 1
Sesame Teriyaki 1
Yogurt Snack 1
Salad Prep Small 2
Salad Prep Large 1
Have Available
Item Qty
Bag Frozen Berries 1+
Bag Frozen Tropical Fruit 1
Frozen Mixed Fruit 2
Frozen Quinoa 1 pouch
16 oz water 8
Evamoor water 1 opened
Lemons 3
Red Pepper Hummus 1
Pistachio Hummus 1
Salad Dressings Full – 2, Opened – 4
Coconut Aminos 1 bottle
Almond Milk 2 cartons
Chunky Garden Spaghetti Sauce 1 jar
Full Fridge of Prepped Meals May 19 2019
Full Fridge of Prepped Meals | Jodi Robertson
Breakfast Smoothie with Flax & Chia Seeds, Yogurt
Lunch Salad with Eggs, Confetti Rice & Greens
Dinner Smoothie with Flax & Chia Seeds, Yogurt
Snack Yogurt Snack, Cucumbers & Hummus
Breakfast Confetti Rice with Greens & Egg
Lunch Spinach Salad with Berries
Dinner Smoothie with Flax & Chia Seeds, Yogurt
Snack Cucumbers, Hummus, Tortilla Chips
Breakfast Granola, Berries, Almond Milk
Lunch Salad with Egg
Dinner Smoothie with Flax & Chia Seeds, Yogurt, Rice & Greens
Snack Confetti Rice with Greens, Cucumber & Hummus
Breakfast Salad (with Egg or Berries)
Lunch Salad
Dinner Confetti Rice & Greens, Smoothie with Flax & Chia Seeds, Yogurt
Snack Cucumber, Hummus, Tortilla Chips
Breakfast Smoothie
Lunch Confetti Rice with Spaghetti Sauce?
Dinner Confetti Rice with Greens, Smoothie with Flax & Chia Seeds, Yogurt
Snack Granola with Almond Milk
Breakfast Smoothie with Flax & Chia Seeds, Yogurt
Lunch Confetti Rice with Greens
Dinner Rice & Greens
Lunch Rice & Greens
Dinner Salad

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