Silicone Baggies
Has anyone used silicone baggies? What’s your experience with them – likes, dislikes? I washed all my fruit and veg when I bought them and parked them all in baggies. So far, I’ve gotten through juicing 10-gallon size baggies. I don’t want to just throw them out because it is a damn waste. I’m wondering if using silicone bags are worth it. I still have about 7 bags of fruit and veg to juice today.
Right now, I have 4 baggies drying over plastic cups and am changing them out once they’re done. A bag rack would be so much faster. I tried looking on YouTube for reviews too. I heard Aldi has them, Crofton is the brand, I think? I might try one of those if my nearby has them when I’m able to go out shopping again. I really hate not just being able to zip up to the store.
Update: I went by target and for one 1/2-gallon Stasher brand bag, it was $19.99. I thought that was too expensive for me so did not purchase.
Update 2023: I purchased some at Walmart. Joie is the brand. I got them in various sizes. I have not had any issues with them so far.