Homeschooling Michigan,  Michigan

Home School Swim and Gym at Oak Park YMCA

Home School Swim and Gym is a time for families that have chosen to home-school their children. Children will enjoy an hour of swim lessons followed by structured physical fitness education. YMCA staff will plan a variety of physical activities with the input of the parent(s) and children.

Who: Home-Schooled children ages 4-13
When: Tuesdays, Swim: 1-2pm, Gym 2-3pm
What to bring: Swimsuit, towel, athletic shoes and water bottle.
Fee: $35.00 YMCA Member, $45.00 Community Participants

Register at Oak Park YMCA, 900 Long Blvd, Lansing, MI 48911
Phone: 517-699-YMCA (9622)

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