Author Carol Lomasney to Visit Red Oaks Nature Center
Meet author Carol Lomasney on March 29, 2025 Red Oaks Nature Center will host Carol Lomasney, author of I Grew Very Brave, from 10:30 am – 12:00pm, Saturday, March 29, 2025. She’ll read from her book, answer questions and … [continue reading]
Red Oaks Nature Center Morning Munchkins
Red Oaks Nature Center Morning Munchkins, an exciting series just for preschoolers ages 3-6. Bring your munchkin to the nature center for a favorite story and a related hands-on, nature-based activity from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Sept. 6. September’s book is “I … [continue reading]
Seven Ponds Nature Center Nature Study Series for Homeschoolers
Seven Ponds Nature Center Nature is offering their Study Series for Homeschoolers. There is a fee for the program, and you must register. Please check their website for more information at https://sevenponds.org/nature-study-series-for-homeschoolers/ Bones, Grades K – 2 Wednesday, September … [continue reading]
Seven Ponds Nature Center Homeschool Adventure Series
Seven Ponds Nature Center in Dryden offers the Homeschool Adventure Series will get homeschool students excited about nature. It will be a time to enjoy the natural world while exercising our minds and bodies. Participants will enjoy outdoor activities like … [continue reading]
Open House & Earth Day Celebration at Fill in the Blanks
This Wednesday, April 22, Fill in the Blanks is inviting everyone who’s interested to its Earth Day Open House. Come and help them celebrate Earth Day by spending the day at Fill in the Blanks as their guest. If you … [continue reading]
2009 Just for Homeschoolers at Belle Isle Nature Zoo
Belle Isle Nature Zoo, Detroit These classes are FREE! RSVPs are appreciated so Victoria/Nature Zoo will know how many students to plan for. These classes are generally considered for 1st graders and up, although for families with younger children … [continue reading]
Project Learning Tree workshop
Hawk Woods Nature Center will be hosting a Project Learning Tree workshop for naturalist, home school parents, pre-service teachers and of course K-8 teachers. Project Learning Tree is a national model of environmental education. The workshop will be on Saturday, … [continue reading]
Homeschool Class at Madison Heights Nature Ctr
Homeschool Class at the Madison Heights Nature Center Here are the upcoming Homeschool Classes at the Madison Heights Nature Center. For the Fall season, the classes are all on the third Thursday of the month from 10:00 A.M. until about … [continue reading]
Earth Day 2008
Ideas for learning and celebrating Earth Day 2008 Learn how to reduce and balance your carbon footprint. Earth Day Events & Activities at Flint Children’s Museum. Loads of different activites from April 9 – 30, 2008. For Earth … [continue reading]
Kalamazoo Nature Center
Free Admission Day at KNC This year, take up the “Green Challenge” and receive a free ReUsable Grocery Bag. Print out a Green Challenge form. fill it out and turn it in at KNC’s Earth Day Celebration on April 19th.… [continue reading]