Thoughts on Pets
Recently someone posted on a homeschool classifieds group looking to find a new home for 2 dogs that grew up together. The owner is headed to a nursing home and cannot bring the dogs. The poster stated that if the owner couldn’t find a home, that “he will be forced to turn them out into the woods”. I have never sent any animal out into the woods and have trouble wrapping my mind around this.
My daughter’s cat ran out of the house last year and wasn’t seen for a few days and it was scary. I tried to help her best I could to locate her cat.
Is there a relative that can take in the animals? Or try local Facebook group, ask a trusted veterinary clinic, etc. A homeschooling classifieds group may not be the place to look as most folks aren’t local.
Have you been able to help your friend find a home for the dogs yet? Turning them out into the woods is a terrible plan. They do not have the skills to survive and is cruel. If one shelter is full – try another, then another. Ask a vet clinic for a list of shelters. You’d be surprised at the amount of animal rescue areas available that are not widely know. Be relentless in your search to find a home for these beautiful pets.
I wish you luck