Vacuum Blending
First try at using a vacuum blender. My smoothie is spinach, ginger, lemon, orange, frozen pineapple, flax seeds, and some water. I bought the ARK-B001 Vacuum Blender System by Aigerek on eBay. The instruction manual is terrible. The recipe booklet is not much better. I put in too much water so it is not what I’m used to with my trusted Vitamix 5200. However, as it was my first time using it, I have to give myself some grace and watch some videos on YouTube on vacuum blenders. Here’s a small bit of info from where I purchased it: Before mixing, remove the air from the juicing jar, forming a closed vacuum environment, prevent the juice from being oxidized and reduced food and air contact, not easy to layer juice, greatly reduce the bubble, retain more plant biochemical elements and original taste.
This video is a great help with vacuum blending. It’s by John Kohler of OKRaw