Smoothie Bowls

Acai Chocolate Purple Sweet Potato Smoothie Bowl


For the Smoothie Bowl:

For the Toppings:


  1. Prepare the Ingredients:
    • Once I took the frozen items out of the freezer, I let it sit for a few minutes. The acai packet it easy, just slice it open from the top and break it in half. Everything else gets measured.
    • I did not pack down the spinach and kale blend.
  2. Blend the Smoothie:
    • In a Vitamix (I use Vitamix 5200) or other high-speed blender, combine the frozen acai, purple sweet potato, pineapple, blueberries, spinach and kale blend, and chocolate fudge collagen powder.
    • Add the coconut milk to help with blending.
    • Blend until smooth and creamy. If the mixture is too thick, stop the blender, scrape down the slides, and blend some more. For this acai bowl, I did not use more than 1/4 cup of coconut milk.
  3. Serve:
    • Pour the base into a bowl.
  4. Add Toppings:
    • Top with granola, chopped pistachios, and coconut flakes for added crunch and flavor.

Acai and blueberries offer powerful antioxidants that combat oxidative stress and inflammation, while pineapple and sweet potato boost your intake of vitamins C and A, supporting immune function and skin health. The fiber from sweet potato, blueberries, and granola aids digestion and helps keep you full, while the healthy fats from coconut milk and pistachios promote heart health and provide lasting energy. Additionally, the collagen powder contributes to skin elasticity and joint health, making this bowl a tasty, nutrient-dense choice.

Acai Chocolate Purple Sweet Potato Smoothie Bowl
Acai Chocolate Purple Sweet Potato Smoothie Bowl | Jodi Robertson


  • Alice Gerard

    Okay, so purple sweet potatoes and chocolate! That’s as good as it gets. I can’t imagine how they would taste together, but my guess is… very decadent. Yummy!!! I’m ready to try it, once I get the ingredients together!

    • Jodi

      You’re absolutely right, Alice! It was incredibly decadent. I’ve been waiting for the perfect smoothie bowl to break out the pistachios, and this was definitely it!

  • Jeanine Byers

    Sweet potatoes AND chocolate?? In one bowl? I can’t imagine it. But I love sweet potatoes. Now, I mash mine and add plenty of butter and milk, so I have to confess to my comfort food ways. 🙂

    • Jodi

      Hi Jeanine! It felt really decadent, like I was savoring in a rich chocolate fudge treat! The frozen purple sweet potato adds a rich, earthy sweetness, while the pineapple and blueberries bring a bit of tang and tartness. The acai has a deep berry flavor, and the chocolate fudge collagen powder adds a smooth, indulgent richness. I think the key is not to go over 1 cup of purple sweet potato. The first time I used the ingredient in a smoothie bowl, I used too much. If you’re curious about the purple sweet potato I used, here’s the product info: Coconut King Frozen Diced Purple Sweet Potato.

    • Jodi

      Hi Martha! I think using the coconut milk instead of almond milk in the base was a good choice. The almond milk might have made the smoothie bowl too thick. Coconut milk taste lighter than almond milk. I am loving the coconut flakes. It is good in overnight oats too!

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