Autumn Leaves Poems
Fall Wind
Everything is on the run –
willows swishing in the sun,
branches full of dip and sway,
falling leaves that face away,
pine trees tossing on the hill –
nothing’s quite, nothings still,
all the sky is full of song:
“Winter’s coming, won’t be long.”
by Aileen Fisher
Autumn Is Coming
Autumn is coming
How do you think I know?
A yellow leaf just went by
I know it must be so.
by Beatrix Potter
Autumn Leaves
In the fall the leaves
Come down, down, down
Red and yellow
Orange and brown.
Red leaves flutter
Yellow leaves fall
Brown leaves gather
Along a wall
by Elsa Beskow
Autumn is a Red Time
Autumn is a red time
a yellow time,
an orange time.
Autumn is a bright time
when leaves spin all around.
Autumn is a crispy time
a crunchy time
a scrunchy time.
Autumn is a brown time
when leaves are on the ground.
by Mildred Barlow
Rake Leaves
I like to rake the leaves
Into a great big hump.
Then go way back,
And bend my knees
And jump! jump! jump!
Leaves are floating softly down
They make a carpet on the ground.
Then swish, the wind comes whistling by
And sends them dancing to the sky.
The Playing Leaves
The leaves are all such happy things
Away up in the tree.
They dance and play and wave their hands
And nod to you and me.
When Jack Frost comes and sets them free,
They jump down to the ground
And play all sorts of silly games
And scamper all around.
Then Daddy rakes them in a pile
And makes a blaze so high,
But Mother says they’ve turned to smoke,
To play up in the sky.
by Ora Clayton Moore
Autumn Woods
I like the woods
In Autumn
When dry leaves hide the ground,
When the trees are bare
And the wind sweeps by
With a lonesome rushing sound.
I can rustle the leaves
In Autumn
And I can make a bed
In the thick dry leaves
That have fallen
From the bare trees overhead.
Autumn brings the colored leaves
They whirl and dance around
And then they make a lovely carpet
To cover up the ground.
I like leaves…all kinds of leaves.
Sad little brown leaves
Gay little red leaves
Happy little green leaves
Sunny little yellow leaves.
I like leaves…all kinds of leaves.
Fall Leaves
Rake the leaves
Pile them high
Jump and tumble
See them fly.
Hear them rustle
Swish and crunch
Leaves are more fun
In a bunch.
Yellow red
Flutter, fly fall
Bright carpet on
the ground
by Lois Jean Schmidt