Chuck E. Cheese Rewards
Download, print and track progress with Chuck E. Cheese Rewards Calendars and Behavior Charts for Kids. https://www.chuckecheese.com/activities-and-downloads/ There are over 20 different pdf’s to download. There is a good grades chart to download. Chuck E. Cheese’s program used to be … [continue reading]
Pizza Hut BookIt Program
Pizza Hut’s BookIt Program Parents set monthly reading goals, and Pizza Hut provides special rewards to recognize children’s reading accomplishments. View their Resources page for program guide, tracking calendars, game pieces like story box and story spinners, and many other … [continue reading]
Miscellaneous Discount Information
AMC Star Summer Movie Camp invites kids and adults alike to enjoy FREE entertainment and G- and PG-rated Hollywood movies on the big screen every Wednesday morning at participating locations. Summer MovieCamp is, of course, seasonal so check their website … [continue reading]
The UPS Store Educator Discount
The UPS Store The discount, if available, is store-by-store, you must ask for it. You must notify them you are a home educator. It would be helpful to show your homeschool support group card. The discount, I believe (ask first!), … [continue reading]
The Teachers Store Homeschool Discount
The Teachers Store (Michigan) Sign up in-store for their Valued Customer program. They’ll give you a plastic card with a customer id on it. You’ll get get 5% of your total (before tax) plus the amount of sales tax to … [continue reading]
Staples Teacher Rewards
Staples Program is named “Staples Teacher Rewards“. Reward Checks – Earn 2% back in rewards up to $15 per quarter when you spend $200 or more at Staples within a calendar quarter on most items with a few … [continue reading]
Scholastic Book Fairs Educator Discount
Scholastic Book Fairs The link will take you to their webpage and you can find your nearest location. My first book fair was pretty amazing. Boxes of books all over the place, and they carry cd’s too! Scholastic does … [continue reading]
PrintPal Educator Discount
PrintPal.com use to offer this: Eligible organizations receive a 10% discount on all orders over $100. They offer free shipping on orders over $40 and same day shipping on in-stock items. For more information, or to confirm your eligibility; please … [continue reading]
Office Max Homeschool Discount
Office Max teacher discount See https://homeschoolingonashoestring.com/office-depot-teacher-discount/
Office Depot Teacher Discount
Office Depot The program is called “Office Depot Star Teacher Program”. The information sheet I picked up states that you’ll receive a 5% discount on every purchase you make, plus 15% off all Copy & Print Center Services. When you … [continue reading]