Easter Poems
Here are some Easter poems that you can easily add your own fingerplay and movements to.
Mr. Rabbit has a habit
That is very plain to see.
He wrinkles up and crinkles up
His little nose at me.
Our rabbits are white,
We call them “Bunny.”
They wiggle their noses
And look so funny.
Funny little bunny
Hopping, hopping so.
Are you the Easter Bunny?
I would like to know.
He gives me a wink
Of an eye so pink
Then his ears flip-flop
And he’s gone. Hip hop.
Here is a bunny with ears to funny
And here is his hole in the ground.
A slight noise he hears, he picks up his ears
And hops to his hole in the ground.
Bunnies are brown, bunnies are white
Bunnies are always an Easter delight.
Bunnies have ears all pinkish inside
Bunnies all like to hop and hide.
Bunnies are cuddly, they’re large and small
But I like the chocolate ones best of all.