Erin Condren Deluxe Monthly Planner
Just got the Erin Condren Deluxe Monthly Planner in 8.5 x 11 size! I want to try it for my budgeting. I’m currently using the regular 7×9 size for my budget and the Petite Budget Planner for on the go. I feel like I’m running out of room in the 7×9 size. I also want to try the 8.5×11 for Health & Wellness planning and meal prep ideas. Is it bad to wait for the FedEx guy outside your post office? Maybe not. It is a public place. 🤣 Why won’t Erin Condren use UPS?!! Just need to find an Etsy sticker shop that does meal plan & prep script stickers. Want to get your own Erin Condren notebook or planner? I’ve got a discount code for you! Shopping link to save $10 off your first purchase.