In A Pumpkin Shell
A book review of In A Pumpkin Shell and An Apple A Day, both authored by Jennifer Storey Gillis
In A Pumpkin Shell tells all you ever wanted to know about raising pumpkins. It even shows how to grow a square pumpkin. It also covers using pumpkins in art, lots of ways to use seeds, and of course pumpkin recipes. Care to try pumpkin soup? One of the neat craft ideas use pumpkin seeds to make a necklace.
An Apple A Day is just as informative. It tells how to be an apple expert. It also covers the topics of apple geography, apple artistry, and apple cooking. Try some apple pizza?. A fun art idea using apples is Apple Head dolls. The instructions are in the book. A herb, apple mint is covered in this book. It also tells why an apple a day helps to keep the Doctor away.
These are two delightful books. Each has twenty or more projects for children. Little children will like to do the activities in these books. Older children will like to read about apples and pumpkins. These are good resources for art and home economics.
The one question these books do not answer is how Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater could keep his wife in a pumpkin shell. 😉