Homeschooling,  Michigan

Joe Rogers Raptor Biologist in Oxford Nov 14

Joe Rogers, a raptor biologist will be at Kingsbury Country Day School in Oxford, MI on Sunday, November 14, 2010. He will bring his eagles, owls, hawks, falcons, and other raptors and teach about their habits, history, and more. This program is open to the public and is Free. The Kingsbury Country Day School is inviting the neighboring home school groups to attend.

This program will be held at the Kingsbury Country Day School which holds lecture series and activities that are open to the public. For more infomation, please see the attached flyer they have sent.

Date: Sunday, November 14, 2010, 1:00pm
Location: Kingsbury Country Day School, JAS Center
OH Flyer 11.14.10 PDF

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