Project Organize Refrigerator 5 Years Later
Monday July 1st project: Clean out the refrigerator. I had already relocated all the food that I am not able to eat to either my daughter, coworkers, or Lighthouse. July 1st was time to clean up the refrigerator and freezer. I used to do a huge clean out of the entire fridge once a year but hadn’t done it, unashamedly, since at least August 2015. Luckily it was not too bad due to the way I have kept it. See previous Project Refrigerator Organize. I already had on hand the pink organizers from Dollar Tree that I wasn’t currently using. The old placemats that I had used to line the shelves were coming apart and one was even stuck to the glass shelf so they were thrown out. The pink shallow baskets fit pretty good and with as big as they are, I don’t need to put liners on the shelves again. I will be on the hunt during garage sale season for proper reusable storage for my greens and berries, as well as freezer containers for frozen bananas and other fruits.