Spring Poems
Spring time
Is garden time;
Shovel, hoe, and
Rake time.
Little Johnny-jump-up said,
It must be Spring.
I just saw a ladybug
And heard a robin sing.
When we go skating
Down the street
We know that Spring
Is in our feet.
I love the Spring,
Especially May
When little bugs
Come out to play.
April brings a breath of spring,
Sleeping things awakening.
April brings us sun and showers,
New green grass and early flowers.
Children have to dance and sing
When April brings a breath of Spring.
Spring Is Coming
Spring is coming.
How do you think I know?
I found some pussy willows.
I know it must be so.
Hello Spring
Spring has come.
I saw a robin
Say good-bye to winter snow.
Spring has come.
I saw a flower
Peeping up to say hello.