8th Annual Unschoolers Waterpark Gathering
8th Annual Unschoolers’ Waterpark Gathering! UWG 2015 May 17-22, 2015. Kalahari Waterpark Resort in Sandusky, Ohio. The purpose of the Unschoolers’ Waterpark Gathering is to facilitate and inspire a sense of unity, connection, support and community in an environment … [continue reading]
Bricks & Minifigs Homeschool Mondays
Bricks & Minifigs Homeschool Mondays Mondays, 11:00am Free Homeschool get-togethers at Bricks & Minifigs Lego store on Hayes, just north of 21 Mile Rd. https://www.facebook.com/bammactown Call 586 580-3180 to reserve your spot. They only allows 12 or so kids. It … [continue reading]
DIA Detroit Institute of Arts Homeschool Programming Development
The DIA is in the process of developing programming that serves the needs of homeschools, and they invite parents and homeschool representatives to share information on the types of resources they are seeking. If you would like to contribute … [continue reading]
Homeschooling Works Spring Book Fair 2012
Homeschooling Works Spring Book Fair is March 17, 2012, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm at William Costic Center, 28600 Eleven Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48336. Admission is $10 per person. Registration at the door. Lunch is available to purchase … [continue reading]
Joe Rogers Raptor Biologist in Oxford Nov 14
Joe Rogers, a raptor biologist will be at Kingsbury Country Day School in Oxford, MI on Sunday, November 14, 2010. He will bring his eagles, owls, hawks, falcons, and other raptors and teach about their habits, history, and more. … [continue reading]
Glassblowing Demonstration
November 14 & 15 Pine Lake Glassworks is offering a free glassblowing demonstration and a wonderful display of artwork from 12:00pm to 5:00pm. 1040 South Coats Road Oxford, MI 48371 248-425-9887
Open House & Earth Day Celebration at Fill in the Blanks
This Wednesday, April 22, Fill in the Blanks is inviting everyone who’s interested to its Earth Day Open House. Come and help them celebrate Earth Day by spending the day at Fill in the Blanks as their guest. If you … [continue reading]
Clothing Swap – Sterling Heights
Clothes Swap – April 16, 2009 – Thursday – Sterling Heights “WHAT’S A CLOTHES SWAP?” This is a totally FREE event, with NO obligation to bring anything or take anything. It’s called a “swap” because so many people bring clothes … [continue reading]
Teen Clothing Swap
“What is a clothing swap?” This is a FREE event where you take your clean and unwanted clothes (Clothes you would not mind wearing in public) and drop them off at a designated time at a designated place. Next comes … [continue reading]
Noodles & Co & Toys for Tots
Join Noodles & Company as they help the U.S. Marine Corps collect new, unwrapped toys to distribute to needy children in and around Troy. Toys will be collected 11/28-12/22. Help Noodles & Co give back this holiday season. When you … [continue reading]