What is a Geosafari? The following are descriptions from Educational Insights which sells Geosafari products. But here is my own description: Geosafari is one of the most versatile educational products that I have ever seen. You can purchase cards for … [continue reading]
Foreign Language
Foreign Language Foreign Language Lesson Plans and Resources Tons of links to lesson plans and activities, resources, museums and exhibits. International Book Centre Now online! IBC provides students and teachers with services and material for international studies with languages from … [continue reading]
History Smithsonian Natural History Web: African Voices Explore objects that attest to Africa’s striking diversity and long history. Listen as Africans talk about their lives and cultures. AfriClassical.com consists of brief biographies of over fifty Black composers and musicians; a … [continue reading]
Learning Styles, Course of Study, Milestones Everyone has a learning style. Our style of learning, if accommodated, can result in improved attitudes toward learning and an increase in productivity, academic achievement, and creativity, says the website ERIC Education Resources Information … [continue reading]
Database of Award-Winning Children’s Literature compiled and indexed by Lisa R. Bartle, Librarian. Brain POP The more you know, the more you know. English movies and quizzes. Brain POP Jr for K-3 Reading movies teach kids educational topics like comprehension, … [continue reading]
Geography Country Reports.org Country information from around the world. A resource for business, tourists, students and teachers. The Flat Stanley Project. Owl & Mouse has great free downloads for geography. National Geographic: Geography Action! is an annual conservation and awareness … [continue reading]
100 Years of Flight The First Flight Centennial Celebration: Countdown To Kitty Hawk Don’t miss this year-long series of events featuring an interactive touring pavilion that includes Ford Motor Company’s aviation history and the most accurate reproduction of the original … [continue reading]
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Freebie Newsgroups misc.consumers.frugal-living alt.consumers.free-stuff alt.coupons alt.freenet Homeschool Newsgroups alt.education.home-school.christian misc.education.home-school.misc misc.education.home-school.christian For an informative look at newsgroups and how to use them, please go to Newsgroups: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/8259/news.html