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Kit Kittredge 1934
Kit Kittredge 1934 About Kit from American Girl Radio Shows were great entertainment in the 1930s. See the most popular 1930s radio shows and 1940’s radio. Do you recognize any? What did your grandparents or great-grandparents listen to? Use this … [continue reading]
Felicity Merriman 1774
Felicity Merriman 1774 About Felicity Learn about the leaders at the time My daughter & her friends had a literature study group for Felicity. They made a craft which they really enjoyed. We brought doll sized straw hats to make … [continue reading]
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Josefina Montoya 1824
Josefina http://www.americangirl.com/agcn/josefina/ American History through Fiction 1824: Josefina Montoya http://web.archive.org/web/20040504071911/http://edisonacademy.com/history/lessons/1824/index.htm Lapbooks Meet Josefina Lapbook Josefina Sunlight and Shadows Lapbook Templates
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Julie Albright 1974
Julie http://www.americangirl.com/agcn/julie/ Lapbooks Meet Julie Lapbook Julie The Big Break Lapbook Templates
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Kirsten Larson 1854
Kirsten http://www.americangirl.com/agcn/kirsten/ American History through Fiction 1854: Kirsten Larson http://web.archive.org/web/20030624154256/www.edisonacademy.com/history/lessons/1854/index.htm Learn about Swedish emigration to America. Many Swedes came to America. http://www.americanwest.com/swedemigr/pages/emigra.htm Minnesota Historical Society Visit this Minnesota Historical Society page to read stories and try out activities set in … [continue reading]
American Girl Books
Activities for All American Girl Books Lapbook Templates chose from basic templates or character mini books. By Year List Kaya 1764 Felicity Merriman 1774 Josefina Montoya 1824 Marie-Grace Gardner 1853 Kirsten Larson 1854 Addy Walker 1864 Samantha Parkington 1904 Rebecca … [continue reading]
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Molly McIntire 1944
Molly McIntire 1944 Molly http://www.americangirl.com/agcn/molly/ Wise Pockets Molly Lesson Plan with Activities Saving and spending decisions in 1944 through the eyes of Molly http://www.umsl.edu/~wpockets/schoolhouse/lessons/Molly/molly.html http://www.moneymanagement.org/Education/Resources/Molly/index.asp Note: Both above links have the same info American Girl Dolls Doll Patterns Smocked Dress… [continue reading]
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Addy Walker 1864
Addy Walker 1864 About Addy from American Girl Learn about the President in 1834, Abraham Lincoln. He became the United Statesâ 16th President in 1861, issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 that declared forever free those slaves within the … [continue reading]
White, EB
Author E. B. White E. B. White biography on Wikipedia A Letter from E. B. White Where did the ideas for Charlotte and Stuart Little come from? Why did E. B. White choose to write about a pig? Did his … [continue reading]
Charlotte’s Web
Spider Webs. As Charlotte uses her web to communicate, the students will also create a web to send a small message. The students will learn how a spider creates its web. They will learn about the different types of … [continue reading]