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University of Kentucky Dept of Entomology Several articles give resources and basic information about insects and their relatives, while others outline activities with different insect themes. Iowa State Entomology Index Lesson plans and bibliographies. Periodical Cicadas information from The University … [continue reading]
Here are our science sections. Just click on the name to take you to the topic. Science Unit Studies Science Labs Free Science Labs to download from Lab Notebook Guide to Making Medieval Messes Lab in both Word and pdf … [continue reading]
Bald Eagle Info In-depth American bald eagle information, viewing directory, stories, poems and photos. Bald Eagle – Endangered Species, Wildlife Species Information: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In-depth American bald eagle information, viewing directory, stories, poems and photos. BirdNet… [continue reading]
100 Years of Flight The First Flight Centennial Celebration: Countdown To Kitty Hawk Don’t miss this year-long series of events featuring an interactive touring pavilion that includes Ford Motor Company’s aviation history and the most accurate reproduction of the original … [continue reading]
Science Songs
Songs Science @ Nasa Every story is available as an MP3 File! New story everyday, occasionally two! Singing Science Records Lots of materials get kids learning science through songs.
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Astronomy October 20 – Astronomy Day . On Astronomy Day, thousands of people who have never looked through a telescope will have an opportunity to see first hand what has so many amateur and professional astronomers all excited. Astronomy clubs, … [continue reading]
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Science Links by Grade
Links By Grade PreK-4 Science Reading Science Just a few here but very cute! K-6 Applied Science MS Nucleus’ pdf student workbooks can help you get an idea of how to arrange and obtain materials. It also helps you organize … [continue reading]
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K-12 Biology Biology Lessons Lots of different biology topics to choose from. 6-12 Biology The Biology Corner. 9-12 Biology Human biology worksheets. 9-12 Biology Glencoe Biology the Dynamics of Life. Zool 250 Latin & Greek Roots Flashcards… [continue reading]
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Experiments and Labs Jr Boom Academy by B. K. Hixson. Some great books full of simple experiments and cheap ones too. They have great pictures and they are laced with humor. Lessons In Electric Circuits A free series of textbooks … [continue reading]
Birds Unit Study
Birds Unit Study has free and low-cost activities, lesson plans, worksheets, study guides, and more. Learn what birds are and what they bring to their environment. Learn about the different types of birds and their individualities. Explore the anatomy of … [continue reading]