Traffic Light and Stop Sign Poems
English,  Homeschooling

Traffic Light and Stop Sign Poems

Red light, red light
What do you say?
I say stop and stop right away.

Yellow light, yellow light
What do you mean?
I mean wait till the light turns green.

Green light, green light
What do you say?
I say go but first look each way. (variation: I say go, go right away)

Thank you, thank you
Red yellow green
Now I know what the traffic lights mean.

Variation on Yellow verse: Yellow light, yellow light
What do you know?
Red is coming so start to go slow.
Nursery Rhyme

When the light turns green, you go.
When the light turns red, you stop.
But what do you do when the light turns blue
with orange and lavender spots?”
by Shel Silverstein, A Light in the Attic

Stop shines red,
Go is green
Get ready yellow
Comes in between

Watch for cars,
Obey this rule.
And you’ll arrive
Safe at school.
by Karla Kuskin

When you come
To a stop sign
You must stop
Stop! Stop! Stop!
by Anon

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