Valentines Poems
Valentines by Aileen Fisher
I gave a hundred Valetines
A hundred, did I say?
I gave a thousand Valentines
one cold and wintry day.
I didn’t put my name on them or any other words,
because my Valentines were seeds
for February birds!
Valentines by Aileen Fisher
Valentines, Valentines
On a winter day,
Oh, what fun you are to get
And to gaily give away!
Valentines, valentines
Clever bright and gay,
Oh what fun it is to read
All the cheery things you say.
My Valentine by Mary C. Parsons
I have a little Valentine,
That someone sent to me.
It’s pink and white and red and blue
And pretty as can be.
Forget-me-nots are around the edge,
And tiny roses, too;
And such a lovely piece of lace
The very palest blue.
And in the center there’s a heart,
As red as red can be;
And on it’s written all in gold,
“To you, with love from me.”
My Valentine by Sandra Liatsos
I took a shiny icicle
And wrote across the snow,
“You’re the nicest valentine
That anyone could know.”
And then I walked around the words,
With steps not far apart.
When I was back where I’d begun,
My footprints made a heart!
Red paper, blue paper
Crayons and glue
We are making valentines
Just for you.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash