Visiting Michigan
Boat and Train Tours
Botanical Gardens, Nature Centers and Zoos, Petting Farms & Wildlife Exhibits
Michigan History
Visiting Michigan
Field Trips, Factory & Store Tours
Museums, Art Galleries & Science Centers To use your educator discount while traveling see http://www.astc.org/
Roller Skating Many skating rinks are offering homeschool skate sessions. Look for a participating rink near you.
Michigan Gas Prices and Travel-related Info:
reference: http://www.michigan.gov/ag/0,1607,7-164-17334_17362-93060–,00.html
Gas Price Comparison Shopping
Be an active consumer. Don’t just pay the high price at the closest station. Shop around and find the most competitive price in town.
AAA Daily Fuel Gauge Report for Michigan: http://www.fuelgaugereport.com/MImetro.asp
Gas Prices for the Detroit area: http://www.detroitgasprices.com/
Gas Prices for the Grand Rapids area: http://www.grandrapidsgasprices.com/
Gas Prices for the Lansing area: http://www.lansinggasprices.com/
Gas Prices for the rest of Michigan: http://www.michigangasprices.com/
Gas Price Info for U.S. and Canada: http://gasbuddy.com/
Search Gas Price Info by Zip Code: http://www.gaspricewatch.com/new/default_V3.asp
Know of a family friendly event? Let me know!
The sites listed are mainly in the Metro Detroit area. There is much more to see which we’ll be adding shortly. In the mean time, if there’s a city, event, or place special to you that you’d like to see here, please email me your requests.