Yarn Wreath
Safety First! Please exercise caution when making any craft projects. Some of the items used may not be suitable for all children to operate. plastic lid (from coffee can, peanut can, etc.) green yarn red pony beads ribbon glue tape… [continue reading]
Grapevine Wreath Gather wild grapevines from the woods. Soak them overnight in water to soften them up, and then they can be used to shape wreaths (or a manger for a nativity scene). Decorate them with different colored ribbons, plus … [continue reading]
Wall Banner
Colored felt pieces, 12″ X 12″ white glue scissors sequins, buttons, decorative trim yarn Cut the felt square into two pieces, 6″ x 12″ each. Lay a 18″ long piece of yarn along one of the 6″ edges, placing it … [continue reading]
Applesauce Ornament
Here is a craft idea that just takes a few household items and is pleasant to your nose. 4 ounces (1 cup) cinnamon 1 Tablespoon cloves 1 Tablespoon nutmeg 3/4 cup applesauce 3 Tablespoons white glue 1/2 teaspoon food coloring… [continue reading]
Newsgroup List
Freebie Newsgroups misc.consumers.frugal-living alt.consumers.free-stuff alt.coupons alt.freenet Homeschool Newsgroups alt.education.home-school.christian misc.education.home-school.misc misc.education.home-school.christian For an informative look at newsgroups and how to use them, please go to Newsgroups: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/8259/news.html
Freebies Toll Free
On the Internet there are many of these offers. I am only listing the ones that I have been able to get through on, and talked to a live operator or there was a message center. 1-888-ULTRA-NOW Lactaid-Ultra 1-800-637-2233 Nescafe … [continue reading]
Video Rentals
Especially during the summer months video rental places run specials. So when you go to rent movies, be sure and check it out. Most places offer bonuses of a free rental for every so many rentals. Sometimes it is cheaper … [continue reading]
Do you ride the bus? If so, it may be cheaper to buy a pass than to pay as you go. It may not save you much each time, but it does add up.
Temporary and Seasonal Jobs
Kelly Services is not the only place for temp work. Check your phone book for temporary employment agencies near you. If your skills are in high demand, you can earn more than you would answering phones. There are also chances … [continue reading]
You can make your own dip for potato chips, if you are allowed to eat it. Buy dried onion soup and mix it with sour cream or yogurt. It may not be less expensive, but it sure tastes better than … [continue reading]