Leap Day
Leap Day Poem
February has 28 days
Except when leap year falls
Then we have 29 days
But it’s still the shortest
Month of all
Leap Day Math Use math to understand why a leap day is inserted into our calendar every four years. https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/teach/activity/leap-day-math/
Leap Day Science
This is why we have Leap Years — and what happens if we don’t from Interplanetary Dr James O’Donoghue, a British planetary scientist and former NASA scientist.
5 Things You May Not Know About Leap Day. The extra day tacked on to every fourth year is a subtle admission that even something as regular and simple as a calendar can be more complicated than we think.
Leap Day, on February 29, has been a day of traditions, folklore and superstitions
29 Fun Ways to Spend Leap Year’s Extra Hours from Highlights
Learn about animals that can leap, jump, and hop https://mammals-locomotion.com/jumping.html
Make a Leap Day Time Capsule note their website will be making the 2024 version soon https://showerofrosesblog.com/2020/leap-day-time-capsule-2/
Coloring Pages
Frog Themed coloring pages
Free Leap Day activities from TPT
Leap Year Activities! Leap year means there’s one extra day for fun activities, articles and printables to leap into learning. https://www.leapfrog.com/en-us/learning-path/leap-year
Leap Day Workout. Try something new to your movements for the day then create your own workouts based on your ability. https://gettinmyhealthyon.com/leap-day-workout/