Wildflower Reference Guide
Wildflower Reference Guide and Seed Catalog. Information such as when you should plant, USDA plant hardiness map, how to plant, and more about wildflowers to learn and view online.
Charlotte’s Web
Spider Webs. As Charlotte uses her web to communicate, the students will also create a web to send a small message. The students will learn how a spider creates its web. They will learn about the different types of … [continue reading]
Frogland Game
This is a neat game about frogs. I like that the site also shows a little picture of the completed game. https://web.archive.org/web/20040525190114/http://www.twingroves.district96.k12.il.us/wetlands/WetlandGames/FroglandGame/FroglandGame.html Your Mission….. You are a young frog, newly hatched, and you belong to a species of frog that … [continue reading]
- Uncategorized
University of Kentucky Dept of Entomology Several articles give resources and basic information about insects and their relatives, while others outline activities with different insect themes. Iowa State Entomology Index Lesson plans and bibliographies. Periodical Cicadas information from The University … [continue reading]
Bald Eagle Info In-depth American bald eagle information, viewing directory, stories, poems and photos. Bald Eagle – Endangered Species, Wildlife Species Information: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In-depth American bald eagle information, viewing directory, stories, poems and photos. BirdNet… [continue reading]
Birds Unit Study
Birds Unit Study has free and low-cost activities, lesson plans, worksheets, study guides, and more. Learn what birds are and what they bring to their environment. Learn about the different types of birds and their individualities. Explore the anatomy of … [continue reading]
Weather Unit Study
Appreciate the importance of weather to our daily lives. Create and present national weather maps showing different conditions. Create their own terrarium to connect concepts of precipitation, condensation, and evaporation. Demonstrate ways to avoid injury when conducting science activities. Explain … [continue reading]
In A Pumpkin Shell
A book review of In A Pumpkin Shell and An Apple A Day, both authored by Jennifer Storey Gillis In A Pumpkin Shell tells all you ever wanted to know about raising pumpkins. It even shows how to grow a … [continue reading]